First to post
Guess I'd be the first to post here. Just thought I would get the conversation going for us younger people. Do you often run into the same situation we do that a lot of the clubs and groups tend to have a higher population of people over 40? We tried starting a younger group but didn't draw much attention. Any others have any success?
I've tried to get a younger group (18 to 35) together on quite a few sites, but to no avail -- except once. It started off well, but later attracted older people who seemed to be intrested in asking personal questions of a sexual kind. I closed the forum.
Its kinda strange to me to read this. I have always had groups of friends who were pretty open sexuallytogether. Maybe because most all of my friends are NOT into "pairing for life" yet? Get me, its not a formal thing. but we just hang out and if we are at a camp-out or on a holiday somewhere with friends, who sleeps with who just happens.