Anyone use the Manscape Razor?

I would like to hear from anyone that uses a Manscape Razor. How is it when used in the scrotum area?

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RE:Anyone use the Manscape Razor?

I've never tried Manscape but whenever I've tried electric I've never liked it, wet shave gives the smoothest finish possible. May be waxing can beat even that, anyone tried?

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RE:Anyone use the Manscape Razor?

I heard they are great and so is a Philips version of it. Keeps you smooth for days.

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RE:Anyone use the Manscape Razor?

I have been using a rotary razor on my body and a safety razor on my balls every other day.

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RE:Anyone use the Manscape Razor?

I use a razor for manscaping and I think its wise to get a good razor for manscaping, not a cheap disposable razor. One with a pivoting head works best. It takes some practice but you will quickly get to know how to stretch your skin and in what direction you need to shave. There are always stubborn areas that are hard to reach but not insurmountable.

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RE:Anyone use the Manscape Razor?

Yeah, use a quality multi blade swivel ball razor daily in the shower, smooth as can be after.

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RE:Anyone use the Manscape Razor?

I would like to hear from anyone that uses a Manscape Razor. How is it when used in the scrotum area?

Use a Manscape for the balls but use a 4 blade razor for the rest. Manscape great on legs

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RE:Anyone use the Manscape Razor?

I use the bumpfighter. It is designed to prevent ingrown hairs. Its a little hard to find.

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