Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

The Mailman Cometh

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The Mailman Cometh

Dean Zumfield closed his door, threw his mail on the table and just stood enjoying the one good thing about his crappy apartment; it was cool. Coolness was his one extravagance. He could have turned the thermostat up when he left every morning at 8:42 am but instead he left it set at 73 so he could look forward all day to this one glorious moment of indulgence in his otherwise shitty life. He was 65, never married, never dated and had never even had the nerve to hire a hooker. Dean Zumfield was a rare bird. He was a virgin.

He stood and breathed in the cold air along with the smell of stale cigar butts and an apartment wrapped in whatever other smells he couldn't identify. How much longer he could do this, day after rat shit day, he really didn't know. But do it he would, because what else did he have going on in his life.

Dean finally moved from where he was leaning back against the wall and walked toward his bedroom. He had already unbuttoned and was peeling off his sweat-soaked light blue shirt that identified him as a letter carrier for the United States Postal Service. He tossed his shirt in the dirty clothes basket in the closet and sat on the edge of his bed to remove his shoes and knee length socks. They were the hottest fucking socks you could possibly wear. At least he could wear shorts most of the year in southwest Florida where he had now lived for 20 of his 65 years.

He tossed his socks into the basket with his shirt and stood up to remove his tight shorts. Dean emptied his pockets of life's necessities and put everything on the top of the dresser where it would all be waiting for him tomorrow. Then he smiled to himself as the wonderful realization hit him that tomorrow would be Thursday and that is his day off this week. Thursday and Sunday so in two weeks he will have an entire weekend to himself.

Dean unbuckled his belt and felt the relief as his big belly was set free once again. At 6 feet and 264 pounds, Dean was a big guy and wearing those tight postal shorts made him feel like he was in a sausage casing. Not that he'd actually know what being in a sausage casing would be like. He just liked having his balls not smashed.

He started to unzip his pants and turned to see himself in his mirrored closet doors. He unzipped his shorts and let them fall around his ankles then carefully stepped out of them and kicked them into the clothes basket. He felt a little satisfaction as if he had just scored the winning field goal with no time on the clock. That was Dean life now days, just one fantasy after another to make up for his bleak reality.

Dean stood now in his maroon boxer briefs, his big belly hanging over the waist band. They were all wrinkled from a day trapped inside those damn shorts. He turned slightly to his right so he could see the bulge of his balls and the way his cock was straight to the side on the right. He slowly turned back examining his big body and wondering what it was that drew the man at 1276 Tallow Lane to put his hand on Dean's leg and finally lead to what had happened today.

Dean closed his eyes and thought about all that has been going on for these last few months and just didn't know what he should do about it. He opened his eyes and could see the front of his underwear had started to tent out as he thought about Glenn the man that lived at 1276. There was no doubt in Dean's mind where this was going tonight. It was going to end up like every other night after Glenn was waiting at his mailbox for Dean to bring his mail.

First things first though, so Dean peeled his boxer briefs down and kicked them toward the basket but this time they fell a foot short. His cock swayed as he moved to pick up the underwear and throw then in. He stood back up and looked again at himself and slowly pulled back his foreskin. He bet Glenn would love to know he was also uncut. Dean's cock was actually a nice, thick 6 inches and his balls seemed to hang lower every year.

He let his mind drift back to that day almost 3 months ago. Glenn had already told him that he was a nudist and never wore clothes in the house. Dean had looked at Glenn that day but didn't respond but he filed that information away. Then about a week later, Glenn received a box that was too large for his mailbox. Dean had driven through the 200 feet of woods back to Glenn's house. The front door was probably 7 feet off the ground with a couple porches and steps going up to it. Dean honked his horn then crawled out of the truck with the box. The front door had opened and Glenn stuck his head out. Since he never wore more than just flimsy shorts at the road, Dean wasn't surprised to see his bare chest. Glenn said, "Dean, are you ok with me being nude"? Dean momentarily froze then nodded and said yes and out stepped Glenn completely naked.

Dean walked towards him trying not to really look but he couldn't help seeing him. Glenn stands almost 6 feet and weighs probably 175 pounds and is trim because he swims every day. Actually he is very trim for his 67 years. They had talked about age many times during their mailbox chats. Those chats seemed to be more frequent also. Even though Dean was self-conscious, Glenn seemed totally at ease with his nudity. He looked Dean in the eye and just started talking like they were out on the street. Dean turned and walked back to his truck but turned back as Glenn walked that way. He could see that Glenn has a pretty thick cock and very large balls but was puzzled by his lack of pubic hair. Glenn had told him he shaved his body for swimming but Dean was surprised he included the pubic area. He turned away for at least 15 seconds but then turned back to look again. Glenn seemed like he wanted to walk closer but stayed back almost 15 feet from the truck. Finally he said he better let Dean go and turned to walk back to his house. Dean left without glancing back but that night he shot a huge load on his belly, something he hadn't been able to do for a long time.

Dean opened his eyes to find himself fully erect and slowly stroking his cock. He wanted to get off but he also wanted to feel the refreshing coolness of his shower. Then he could lay back and watch himself in his mirror and think about what had occurred today.

As he stepped out of his shower and grabbed his towel, Dean looked down to see that he still had a cock thick with the excitement of his daydreaming. He walked naked into his kitchen and grabbed his 4th diet Pepsi of the day and poured it into a tall insulated glass with palm trees on the side and returned to his bedroom. He set the glass down after taking a big gulp and felt the burn as the Pepsi went down. Burning yet cold. How did they do that?

Dean propped the pillows on the bed and got himself comfortable and then just leaned back to relive what had happened today. Glenn had been getting progressively more touchy-feely with Dean. Although he had never been with a woman, Dean considered himself a heterosexual. He had never been attracted to a man yet here he was masturbating nightly while thinking about Glenn's hand on his leg.

Dean would usually see Glenn maybe once a week or sometimes even longer between their talks at the mailbox. Glenn walked his dog about the same time Dean made his delivery so it just seemed as if they would be there at the same time. The last 2 weeks it seemed as if Glenn was there a couple times a week and he was more touchy each time.

At first it was just a pat on the leg as they talked then another pat then one day Glenn kept talking and left his hand on Dean's bare knee just below his shorts. Dean felt uncomfortable but at the same time he didn't move his leg or say he had to rush off. The next time, Glenn patted his leg and left his hand there then moved it back and forth a little before taking it away. Dean had always jacked off but in recent years, all his meds had made it more difficult to get an erection so he just seldom even tried. That night he went home and started thinking about Glenn's hand on his bare leg and was surprised to find his cock start to grow. He lay back and pumped out a small amount of cum although his cock had gone soft part way through.

Then the next day, there was Glenn walking the dog and just getting to his drive as Dean pulled up to the mailbox. Dean's mind was buzzing with excitement but also apprehension as he wondered if he could actually be gay. He had never wanted to be with a man but Glenn's touch was making him more and more excited. Glenn started talking and picked up the dog. The dog struggled a little before settling down but Dean saw that when the dog kick her hind legs she had actually pushed the waistband of Glenn's shorts down on the right side. Dean looked away but then turned back just enough to see Glenn's bare hip and part of his shaved pubic area.

Glenn laughed and put the dog back down and pulled his shorts back up and made a comment about how he better not drop his pants at the road. Dean laughed with him but his mind went back to the day he saw him nude.

They started to talk football which was a big common interest for them and Glenn put his hand on Dean's leg but this time higher on the thigh. Dean just kept talking and Glenn moved his hand back and forth a little. Dean raised his far leg and surprised himself as he moved his left thumb back and forth on the inside of his thigh. He saw Glenn's eyes go to his thumb and then quickly back to Dean's face but Glenn also moved his hand a little higher on Dean's thigh until it was almost at the the top where his belly hung over his seat belt. The realization of what was happening was just too unsettling and Dean moved around in his seat and said he better go. His shirt tail was always out so he was certain that Glenn couldn't see that his cock had started to grow a little.
Dean smiled as Glenn told him it was nice to see him. He always said that. Dean mumbled something and pulled away but that night he had gotten an erection like he hadn't seen in years. He stood in front of his mirrored door and played with himself for over 45 minutes and never lost his hard on. He finally lay back on the bed and stroked himself and slowed down just as he could feel the pressure start too build. A large spurt of cum shot over his belly and landed on his right tit. Another shot had landed in his navel. Dean squeezed his cock and milked even more out. He couldn't believe what had just happened and in his sexual frenzy, immediately scooped up his cum and licked his fingers clean.

Later, the guilt set in as Dean began to seriously wonder if he was gay and how he could be so excited by something that had repulsed him in the past. But what exactly was it that made him feel that way? He had never been able to talk to girls in school and the boys made fun of him because he didn't get pubic hair until he was 16. He realized he had simply never had anybody that he could even begin to think about in a sexual way. The one girl he kind of liked, Linda Norwell, laughed at him and told several of the guys and that one asshole had come up in the shower and grabbed Dean by the cock and balls and squeezed and ask Dean if that was what Linda wanted. Dean had thrown up from the pain and humiliation and after that just didn't talk much to anyone other than Steve and Larry, his only two real friends.

Although they talked about sex, they had never done anything together. Dean did remember that he had envied Steve's big dick and pubic hair when they took showers in PE. Now here he was, all these lonely years later, shooting an enormous load thinking about another older man.

Dean opened his eyes again and looked in the mirror. His cock was still very hard which was just amazing in Dean's mind. He rolled his foreskin back and forth off his cock head and could see a bead of pre-cum form. He took his finger and wiped the tiny pearl from the tip then slid his finger into his mouth and sucked it off. He enjoyed the slight taste of it. He had begun licking his fingers clean every night now.

His mind drifted back to today and his hand kept up its slow stroking. Back and forth like the hand on his thigh this morning. Glenn was at the box but this time without the dog. Dean pulled up and handed Glenn his mail. Glenn told him that he would bring him a cold bottle of water and catch him as he came back down the street. He had done that before so Dean didn't think anything about it although he felt a surge of excitement knowing that they might talk again in about 15 minutes.

As he came back down the road, he saw Glenn walk across and wait at his neighbor's mailbox. He pulled up and put the mail in the box then Glenn stepped in and handed him a cold bottle of water. Dean thanked him and they started to talk. Within the first minute, Glenn had already placed his hand high up on Dean's leg. Dean felt a thrill go through him and just kept talking. He wasn't even sure what he was talking about but he didn't want to move. Glenn moved his hand until it was at the very top of Dean's thigh. The back of Glenn's hand was actually against Dean's belly. Then he moved it forward and back but this time he just moved it forward and kept going. Glenn's hand moved all the way to Dean's crotch and then just moved back and forth there. Dean kept talking and Glenn kept rubbing. Dean felt Glenn's hand also hitting the underside of his belly and the little finger of his left hand went right across Dean's balls and as he drew his finger back, it touched the head of Dean cock through his tight shorts. Dean jumped slightly but kept talking. Glenn just moved his hand back and forth and Dean felt himself harden. He wanted to grab Glenn's hand and guide it to his cock but he was still uncertain about all of this, not to mention they were doing this in the road.

Finally Dean said he better get going even though he wanted to stay and let Glenn rub him as long as he wanted. Glenn said ok and it was sure nice to see him. Dean pulled away and looked in the side mirror to see Glenn just looking at him with a very dreamy look on his face. He wondered if Glenn went back in the house and jacked off. He bet he did.

Dean's breathing was coming faster and faster and he knew he was getting close. This had become his nightly ritual and he wanted it to last as long as he could. His hand moved more urgently now and his legs were starting to open and close, the pressure on his balls felt great. With great force of will, Dean slowed his stroke down just seconds before the first of several shots of cum hit his belly. He continued another 30 seconds to squeeze and stroke until the last drop fell. He reached down and slid it all unto his fingers and sucked them clean. He ran his fingers back down feeling the stickiness but also the smoothness of his freshly shaved balls and pubic area.

Dean was up and out the house, not at exactly 8:42 the next morning as usual but at 11:00. It was his day off but he had made a decision. He had eaten a big breakfast and was humming to himself. He couldn't remember the last time he had hummed. He knew life had plenty of risks and, frankly, he just hadn't taken any for a long time. He usually delivered the mail on Tallow Lane starting around 11:15. He also knew that the sub driver for him always ran about 10 minutes later. He slowed and made the right turn onto Tallow. His breathing was coming quickly and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He was in his personal car and he knew he wouldn't be recognized in it. He rolled onto Tallow Lane and moved slowly down it. Glenn lived in the third house on the right. Dean pulled up and almost lost his nerve then started to turn into the drive. Just walking around the curve of the drive beside the large banyan tree was Glenn and his dog. He looked at the car with a questioning expression then started toward it. When he was about 30 feet from the car, Glenn shaded his eyes to look through the windshield and continued walking. Dean's heart was racing as Glenn suddenly broke into a huge smile. "Dean", he said, "it's great to see you". Decision made, Dean smiled back and let his car slowly roll forward.

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RE:The Mailman Cometh

Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

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RE:The Mailman Cometh

Same here - love these stories

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RE:The Mailman Cometh

Omg....patiently waiting for part Two!

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RE:The Mailman Cometh

Hot story I want someones hand up my shorts

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RE:The Mailman Cometh

Thanks for a great story! I hope we can read the next chapter soon.

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