Pussy Eaters

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Tongue Sex,She loves the way i flex.About to prove to her why i'm the fucking best,No need to second guess.She wanted to take a ride on the wild & freaky side.Her star like eyes tells no lie .Something new she wanted to try.Her body so well defined,i admired each and every line & would take my time.In my mind i wanted to tongue sex her,Day in & day out no doubt.Even though the taste of her clit hasn't yet reached my lips.I'm desiring something warm wet & sweet.Her sweet meat would be a treat.Fine as wine,Had to make her mine. She was a freak with in.I want to bring the freak out with my mouth.My sweet addiction,Tongue sex gave her multiple erection.Here i go undressing her in my mind,She brought me to my knees.The look in my eyes she knew i was a tease.She was one woman i wanted to please.Tongue sex ,I became her bedroom bitch.i felt her twitch,Taking her to a new high when i heard her sigh.My tongue deep in between her thigh.She gripped the the sheet as i savor every lick of her sweet meat.Her pussy bounced on my lips as i enjoyed each & every sip from her juicy clit.My tongue action gave her instant satisfaction.She wanted it from the rear as she sat on my face like a chair,Ecstasy was near.Tongue sex exploring her inside was more than enough to drive her ass wild,Lord knows my tongue enjoyed the ride.Her virginity i robbed as her pussy throbbed.My flickering tongue was in tune to the beat as i licked her sweet meat.I'm that nigga she waited her whole life to meet.Tongue sex relived all her stress.She grabbed her breast & told me i was the best,( Shit ) Already knew i passed the test.The more i rolled my tongue & the vibration,She lost all concentration.It was only a matter of moments until i felt her pussy melt & fill my mouth up like a cup.Her sweet words traveled through my ear as i tongue sex her from the rear.Chills up & down her spine,I knew her ass was already mine.

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RE: Tongue Sex

I wish I was gifted with that sort of poetry! Your rap words are wonderful and actually got me hard! I would love to hear the sound while you serenade the next pussy you eat...

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