Younger Like Older / Older Like You

younger people who like more older people... older people who like more younger people...

Older/Younger Relationships

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All my adult life I have been able to make great friendships in the 18-45 range. Not just because they look good, but because I really enjoy them as people and I think we each bring something important to the other's life. Some of my best friends ever have been in their 20's when I was 40+.

Finding a young man (I was bi... gay now) who wants that close friendship that also includes a physical expression of affection has been the challenge.

I know it can happen. Hope springs eternal.

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RE: Older/Younger Relationships

I have always enjoyed the company of younger people. I have a great rapport with my kids friends. As a person in the entertainment/music industry, younger people help keep me up-to-date with current trends in music. I have also had some great conversations with younger guys about stuff they were too embarrassed to ask their own fathers about. I have even learned a few things from them.

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RE:Older/Younger Relationships

All my adult life I have been able to make great friendships in the 18-45 range. Not just because they look good, but because I really enjoy them as people and I think we each bring something important to the other's life. Some of my best friends ever have been in their 20's when I was 40+.Finding a young man (I was bi... gay now) who wants that close friendship that also includes a physical expression of affection has been the challenge.I know it can happen. Hope springs eternal.

I've always gravitated to older men... much older men, and while I am now older myself that hasn't changed much. The generation raised by the internet have great passion and skill but they're lost in terms of their ability (generally there are exceptions) to understand gay or m4m relationships beyond the representation of the same in popular culture or in porn. Physical affection isn't merely something that is hard to find among young men, it's lacking in masculinity overall. I had to consciously make space for it and grow and work on it to understand what I was missing out on before and I have work yet to do. Accepting the softness and tenderness that I am also capable of giving and receiving the same is not always easy. But I don't have to be tough aggressive or rough. Those things don't make me more of a man or a better person. They may have a place but it's been decades of hiding the guy I always was. No longer. But there is the same issue...who else is there with me lol.

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