Young women vs older men?

Are there really young women who like or prefer older or old men? If so, I'm so very curious why. What is it that you like about older men?

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RE: Young women vs older men?

I'm 61 and she is 27. It's been bliss for coming up on two years. She appreciates my wisdom, experience, and patience in life including sex. I love seeing life through first time eyes. Neither of us really care what others think but we are profoundly happy.

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RE: Young women vs older men?

You are such a love. It would be my honor to chat with you and even more

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RE: Young women vs older men?

You are such a love. It would be my honor to chat with you and even more

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RE: Young women vs older men?

@Down With the Swirl -- You have given us truly a profound insight. I do believe you have hit the nail on the head as to the dynamic that makes such a relationship work. Thank you for both for having this awareness and for articulating it for the benefit of others.

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