me out here.

Hello everyone, Something that keeps me curious......Are women as sexually open as men? I know that there are women that are 100% comfortable with their sex drive and enjoy all aspects of sex. It seems to me that society has made it fine for men to have lots of sex and are considered "Studs". Women are taught to be the opposite. Of course not everyone, male or female, has even moderate sex drive. But I've always found sex to be an important part of who I am. And I've had great sex! (One on One and in group scenarios. ) My question is: where and how do men find women that have the same uninhibited sexual openness as guys do? I absolutely know they are out there. Take Tumblr for example, obviously amateur women posting the most incredible candid pictures and videos of themselves. Just seeing if anyone understands what I'm asking. Especially women.

This topic was edited me out here.

Hello everyone, Something that keeps me curious......Are women as sexually open as men? I know that there are women that are 100% comfortable with their sex drive and enjoy all aspects of sex. It seems to me that society has made it fine for men to have lots of sex and are considered "Studs". Women are taught to be the opposite. Of course not everyone, male or female, has even moderate sex drive. But I've always found sex to be an important part of who I am. And I've had great sex! (One on One and in group scenarios. ) My question is: where and how do men find women that have the same uninhibited sexual openness as guys do? I absolutely know they are out there. Take Tumblr for example, obviously amateur women posting the most incredible candid pictures and videos of themselves. Just seeing if anyone understands what I'm asking. Especially women.

I mean, I think its important to ask whether the social roles open to men in terms of being able or encouraged to have lots of sex is actually sexual openness? I think two things are important here, one, social repression of all human sexuality that basically was the model throughout Europe and the Americas until the 1960's and the sexual revolution (and still is for a large group of people) was something both men and women "opened up from" with the advent of birth control, widespread availability of condoms as well as antibiotics that made previously serious infections like syphilis and the others (pre HIV) treatable short term illnesses the things that really made it difficult to be truly sexually free in exploring multpile partners were suddenly gone or very much less an issue. I can't speak for the ladies per se, but I have met many who have embraced their sexuality and enjoy many kinds of sex with a wide range of partners, probably moreso than men in my experience, (I include myself in there for a good percentage of my life and its a subjective sample biased to the folks I know, someone else may have a different experience) because while many of us racked up the notches that were for me, and for lots of guys I know kind of the start and finish of the whole thing ... and on hearing some of the very well experienced and accomplished women I have met share their experiences it was pretty clear they were finding a lot more to explore in terms of depth and variety than I was... mind you whatever is working for someone and making them happy is what is right for them, I just moved away from quantity some years ago and started to look at the quality (not in, this one's the best but rather, how can we explore pleasure together in different ways or with others and so on) of the sex I was having, and for me, that's opening up moreso.

I think both women and men get held back but women tend to be more shamed for being sexually open and proud, men tend to get more limited by being expected to fall into what sometimes is a few really narrow ranges of acceptable.. although women are also typecast and men shamed, I remember those Charles Atlas ads in comic books growing up which are a perfect example if not kinda funny and silly (depending too on where you are from and where your roots are, some parts of the country are more uptight about sexuality all over and others are much more open, but even that doesnt mean that anyone can predict with certainty where someone is coming from or at, because folks will always surprise you (the good surprises I mean here).

Note on Tumblr: I would hazard a guess that the majority of that content there male female or trans or furry or whatever (its a rabbit hole in there sometimes) is posted by dudes and not women or dudes posing as women, but I could be wrong. I follow posts back through reposts and I never find who posted it originally, which for me is the only way to start to know how it got there.... however, the one place I have found lots of very nice and often beautiful classically and in terms of their energy, women who share very interesting and graphic content and enjoy that is in some of the groups on MeWe. The moderation is pretty tight though, some you aren't allowed to message ladies unless they have their profiles set to "open" and comments on pics need to be positive and short. Others they can message men first, but not the other way around. Lots of times newbies crack a joke when encountering this stuff first off and they are gone permanently. I think the few most interesting ones do have hands down content that is more often than anywhere else, stuff I have never seen or imagined before... but in a good way.

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