Jockstrap Daily Wearers

A group for guys who wear Jockstraps as their daily underwear instead of everyday underwear. Share your pics, reasons and style of Jocks

old school jock straps

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back in late 60's to 70's in school jockstraps were part of the PE class uniform and back than they were only made in a natural off white color and you could choose the wide waist band or a more narrow waist band and no other color choice . i lived in south florida where it's hot 9 out of twelve months so pe class outside you sweated your ass off. in junior high if you were caught not wearing one you got a point off and a easy A could become a C. i actually enjoyed wearing them they were sexy i remember a few times after dressing out and going on the field the coach would make us line up and drop our shorts to make sure we were wearing them some fool would wear they're underwear over them which was dumb why get those sweaty . i high school required too but i don't remember many wearing them some of us went commando just way cooler imo. now days when i wear shorts i go commando but if i ride my mountain bike i'll slip on a jock strap and yes i only wear the old school off color white with the thick waist band. sometime when i visit friends i will wear them as a tease when stripping out of my clothes.

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RE:old school jock straps

I have rediscovered jock straps and now I wear them all the time at the gym. I get some odd looks from guys when I'm changing into my gym clothes or stripping for my shower, but I certainly don't hide the fact that it's part of my gear. I wouldn't be surprised if I start seeing more of them. I've seen an increase in guys showering in the open and using the sauna nude, when we set the example, so maybe jock straps will evolve too.

Then there's jock strap night at the bars. Mmmm, great eye candy.

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RE:old school jock straps

I hated the old school jocks. I also had to wear one for PE class starting in 6th grade. I don't remember there being anything but the wide waistband. I was skinny and, even with the youth small, the waistband went from my hairless dick up to my belly button and the pouch was big enough to hold a LPSG dick. LOL. I eventually found a swimmers jock that had a narrow waistband and much more comfortable pouch, even after my dick grew.

Lol yeah they were wide i was also skinny tiny penis no pubes the pouch swallowed what little i had , actually still does but i liked the look and still do - less is best if you have to wear something.
and i need to correct my post about the coach making us drop out shorts to make sure we were wearing them - we did that in the locker room not out on the field lol . we jumped when coach blew his whistle but even back than i doubt we would drop our shorts when the girls shared the same field.

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