Cock Ring

I cant find my cock ring
I went to get it the other day and I cant find it

I wonder where I left it

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RE:Cock Ring

I find mine in weird places. Night stands, under the bed, pocket of a jacket, or my friends house. lol

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RE:Cock Ring

I've lost a couple of glans rings in the surf. I do wonder if anyone's ever found them and realised what they are.

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RE:Cock Ring

I had one slip off while walking down long hallway at work. Tile floor. i was just able to stop it from cuming out of my pants leg.... i.e. potential to get kicked down the hall.... lol

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RE:Cock Ring

I've never been concerned that mine (28 mm diameter) are at risk of falling, but getting thown around in the surf is something else. :-D

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