Nudist resorts

Hi all. Anyone been to Empire Haven in upstate NY? I will be going in July or August. Would love to meet couples and/or ladies there for discreet fun. If you're going pls send me a msg. I hear there are swinger-types there frequently. ;-)

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RE: Nudist resorts

Our experience is that EH regulars are hostile to newcomers, especially African Americans (my wife is black). One woman went so far as to correct my grammar and then start a hassle when we moved away. Others were "aloof" at best, except for some of the men who tried to get something going with the wife, and their approaches were crude at best. There was an older couple, 70s or so, running the place and they were very unfriendly.My advice is to avoid EH. Your reception will be frosty if not hostile. This crowd is NOT friendly to newcomers. Based on the attitudes we saw we wouldn't associate with them anywhere. Try that place on the Mass.-NY line instead.

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