Ball Stretching

From your experiences, what are the recommended ways of stretching our ball sacs so that they hang low?

Is the stretching permanent?

How did you go about it?

Is there a group here on TS dedicated to ball stretching?

Thanks to all who shared their pics of your enticing nuts.

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RE:Ball Stretching

I use ball weights from chain gang I love them and yes they work.

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RE:Ball Stretching

We are not making our balls bigger, just getting them to hang lower. Heavy rings or weights can help but packing lots of rings between penis-base and balls may be more effective. It's always easier the put the rings/clamps on if the sack is warm and hangs loose. Then, as it cools the sack can't retract through the rings.

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RE:Ball Stretching

Just got a beginners leather ball stretcher from jockstrap central. Got to start somewhere!

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RE:Ball Stretching

Nice! Good luck! It takes a long time but mine are starting to hang lower. Love to feel them swinging around.

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RE:Ball Stretching

What were the results now after two years? Ive been doing it for just over a year. These are some the techniques Im using.

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