RE:How do you get smooth?

I shave two or three times a week, doing it in a hot shower with plenty of lather. I use a Gillette Sensor 5 disposable razor which works really well on the sensitive areas like the balls. No problems with nicks, just start off slow with nice even strokes. I like the smooth feel and its sure a lot cooler in the hot weather.

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RE:How do you get smooth?

waxed here the only way to go stays smoother longer

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RE:How do you get smooth?

I found that i had to use Nair /Veet a few times before i had a good effect without side effects. the skin has to toughen up like with any hair removal treatment. Compared to waxing, i dont get ingrown hairs with hair removal creams.

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RE:How do you get smooth?

Nair or Veet, stay two minutes short of the maximum time and rinse really well. Put cortisone on the area after if it burns.

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RE:How do you get smooth?

I have tried shaving with a blade before, but that's just too stressful! I've tried Nair and others, but if you're careful with time it burns! I have settled on plucking with tweezers. I know it takes a lot longer, but it's much safer and I get a much better and smoother result that lasts longer. I kind of fell off the plucking wagon a few months ago, but recently started plucking again. It takes a while to get it all done from scratch, but well worth it. Then it just takes occasional maintenance, plus I get to play with my balls.

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RE:How do you get smooth?

I use an electric razor or scizzors to get started. then change the cutting height on the razor to 0mm.
Then, I apply shaving foam to all areas, including balls, and shave with a razor. Love how smooth and horny I feel when all is done !
I have pictures but not sure how to post them on this thread.
and i really love smoothness on another guy for my tongue and my lips and my mouth. YUM !!

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RE:How do you get smooth?

I use veet hair remover in cones in the spray can or you can spread it on 3 mins and smooth as a baby bottom .Walgreens or CVS you can order it on Amazon ,you won't ever use a razor again

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