RE:What's your favourite way to Relax?

Sunbathing naked on a grassy field, skinny dipping in the ocean or a lake, receiving a full-body nude massage

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RE:What's your favourite way to Relax?

My wife and I are a bit at odds there. If she had her way, we'd be on the other side of the resort sunbathing by ourselves...if I had my way, we'd spend all our time ...So we reached a compromise. We spend about an equal amount of relaxation socializing and going off by ourselves. I can respect the fact that sometimes I'm going to be a little bit bored on the other side of the resort; and she respects the fact that she's going to spend time naked around other naked people with me. It's all about compromises.

It's good that your wife and you are able to compromise. That applies to marriage in general.

When my wife and I are at the nudist club, she wants to spend time in the sun while I now prefer to find a spot with some shade. She likes to sit where she can chat with other people. I like that too, but sometimes I prefer a quieter spot. When we're at the dances, I like her to be completely nude, but she'll usually insist upon at least wearing something. Later in the evening, she'll please me by going bare. It's all about the compromise.

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