
How many women like receiving CUNNILINGUS?
Probably a dumb question. Everybody likes receiving oral sex. I just ask because I try to give my wife Oral sex. She isn't interested. We have not FUCKED for 22 months. I would love to give her Cunnilingus, to get things started, sure I would love to Fuck and or receive a Blow Job, but No, Nothing. When we got married my wife told a lesbian friend of hers who had been married for 2 years, that I always wanted sex, Da, I was a virgin when I married, and to date have only Fucked my wife. Am I doing something wrong? I really would like to pleasure her, and in the process would like to enjoy SEX myself.
Ladies, Please help with your advice.
Love, Phil.

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RE: Cunnilingus

It's been said that one type of food that greatly reduces the sex drive in women is called wedding cake. Maybe she has eaten too much of it.

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RE: Cunnilingus

I went through something similar. After 8 years, I took her back to her mama. Life is different, not great, but a whole lot better now.

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