Jahovas Witness's at the door

About a year ago a few Jahovas Witness's kept coming to our door so we decided to finally answer the door together naked. We said hi and told them that we were the naked ESA that God gave us! They both stared at us, especially at Beth then said thank you and left. We have not been visited by them since!

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RE: Jahovas Witness's at the door

I've answered the door naked to JW's, Mormons and a few other unexpected visitors. I don't open it wide at first, but do it so they can see a continuously nude line from head to hip to toe. Often the one in front who starts talking right away isn't the first to notice, but the back-up who's standing behind him/her sees the situation and has to clue the other in. It's quite effective to get them to go away and provides me with some amusement at the same time.

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RE: Jahovas Witness's at the door

i've had them come to the door and wake me up in the morning and i will stand behind the door as much as possible and there has to be no doubt that they can presume seeing a little of my side that i'm nude , usually they will apologize for waking me but they always want to give me a pamplet even though i say i'm not interest but when they insist i need to open the screen door which exposes me and their eyes either widen or they look away. i often wonder what they talk about going up the driveway.

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RE: Jahovas Witness's at the door

i look at it as im nude and why am i going to dress when they are knocking on my door - im not knocking on their's , like ive said before i won't just jump in front of them to expose myself but im not dressing either if im nude. ive had a few neighbors come to door , salespeople, religious groups and i try to use the door if possible but they usually get a view of my side that should tell them im bare. one time the gas guy wanted to check my pilot light for stove, hot water heater and heater and i just opened door and let him in he didn't bat a eye so im sure i wasn't the only nude person to answer the door.

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RE: Jahovas Witness's at the door

Several years ago i had the witnesses call on me, at the time i didn't know it was them but i'd seen them coming along the street and knew it was either them or the mormans.
I decided to answer the door in the nude and pretend i was expecting someone else, i reconed that as soon as they saw that i was naked they'd be off in a shot, how wrong i was.
The knock on the door soon came and i duly swung the door open stark naked, they looked stunned as they looked my up and down, and i said 'sorry i was expecting someone else', and looked out the door to see if they were anywhere to be seen.
At that point the man in the group came to his sences and said 'hey you're naked', i said 'yes i'm a nudist, so what', he then went into a rant about nudity being ungodly and that i would rot in hell if i didn't change my ways.
I stood there and let him rant for a while, then told him that historians believe that it was quite common for fisherman to fish naked during Christ's time, and there's no mention of him condeming the practice in the bible, so it was good enough for him it's good enough for me.
Our doorstep discussion alerted the neighbours and quite soon we had an audience, it was only once he'd become aware of them that he decided that he would leave as he clearly wasn't winning.
The neighbours applauded as he left and so far we have never been approached by them ever since, neither by them nor the mormans.

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RE:Jahovas Witness's at the door

Years ago I at a nude pool party, around noon we came in for lunch n shortly after we were done eating before going back out to the pool some Jahovas Witness people, a guy and gal, came to the door. Our hostess peeked out to see who was there and seeing who it was and that they were adults desided not to put on the robe hanging near the door and answered it naked. At first they just stared at her, she said that "this is the way god made me" posing for just a moment than added, "don't you want to be the way god wants us to be?" as they were running away she added, "don't you want to come in and talk about god?" The rest of us were laughing so hard it hurt.

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RE:Jahovas Witness's at the door

I opened the door to JWs once, turned out they weren't JWs, they were Political Party members going door to door to sell their politics, I did invite them in for a coffee, but they turned me down. :)

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RE:Jahovas Witness's at the door

One morning, my buddy was visiting and we were in a bedroom enjoying each other in naked pleasures when my phone, which I had left on the kitchen counter rang. I was afraid it was my wife who doesnt know of my bi nudist side so I ran into the kitchen to answer it. My house has double glass entry doors with pull down shades for privacy which are always open during the day and they were then. I crossed the entry hall and grabbed the phone from the counter when motion at the door caught my eye. I turned to face the doors and there I was visible to two older Witnesses ladies who were about to ring the bell. They were a few feet away in full view of my naked glory with my still erect penis greeting them full on. They stood for a moment with jaws agape, turned and fled never to return again. By the way, the phone call was spam, not my wife.)

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