Bucket List Of "swingin' - Nak

Speak of your aspirations and fantasy's of subject.

I look forward to finding another lady to be in pics with me.

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Hopefully, the next time I find a lady who wants to take pics with me... she will be fine with showing her face and/or tattoos.

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RE: I look forward to finding another lady to be in pics with me.

Drats rickels61, this group went over like a turd in the swimming pool . . . i really thought others would have some bucket list insights. ;-) . . . oh well, better get started creating my next fantabulous group titled . . . "Recreational Viagra" . . . smilin' . . . jy

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RE: I look forward to finding another lady to be in pics with me.

I know what you mean, Johnny. However, Viagra did little for me than to keep me from rolling out of bed lol.

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RE: I look forward to finding another lady to be in pics with me.

It would be fun to take pics with ladies sitting on my lap as I play Nudist Santa.

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