Erotic Stories And Desires Inspired

There are a few (male) friends out there that inspired serious erotic thoughs. I want to share those thoughts and invite everybody to do the same

I dont know your name.

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I dont know your name, but I remember the moment our eyes crossed, the sudden feeling in my gut, the warm wave that took over my body and turned my face red and engorged my sex. I remember a smile, a light conversation, a casual touch and an invitation. I remember your smile and I dont remember anything else. Then, just flashes, feelings, sensations...
Soft lips touching mine, hands caressing my skin, a warm breathing in my ears, the finger in the elastic of my underwear, when you were undressing me. The heated flesh of your naked body burning against mine. Our tongues entangled, our hard cocks rubbing, the enticing smell of arousal, the hunger, the desire, the conquer, a deep penetration, a soft scream, tears of surprise, pain and pleasure, bodies taking over jerking together in an horizontal rhythmic dance. My body trembling over your body, around your body, inside your body, eruptions of pleasure, ejaculations and moaning, heart beats, chest collapsing in each other, mouths searching, the smell of sweet sweat, saliva and semen and different positions of the bodies for an infinite puzzle of pleasure. The end of the night, the moon, a shower, foam over your skin, more exploration in the few untouched inches of our skin and hidden caves. Then, eyes crossing again, a soft kiss, a smile and a good bye. I dont know your name... and I dont need to.

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