Freedom City... Will be a Naked Swingers City... Where anything Goes.... I'm going to build a naked City.where anything goes. In Texas.. I'm looking for idears of what people would like to have in it.... so far ... We have accommodation of all types, shopping center, cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs, spas, gym, swimming pools, garages, bank, supermarkets, lake, woodland, schools, a park,...

Expected start of build

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Interesting idea. Do you already have the land? How about the basics like the utilities [water, power, sewer, etc.] ?

What does the state of Tx. think of the idea of a whole town of nudists?

Have you planned on how the city is to be operated?

Do you have any investors yet?

How about attracting businesses?

Also on the other side, you say "where anything goes": hope it's not gonna be a place where mostly "Gay orgies" occur. Just being practical as well as caucatious.

As one who grew up in a nudist colony, this idea intriques me. I do have many ideas that could be of help for this like the town being all solar/wind powered [as I know how to do this] as well as water recycling for greenhouse use.


You sound like a great person to know for this type of venture..... At the moment I'm trying to get together say 2000 nudist interested who have an investment of say $1000 each or whatever they would like to invest. Between us we would set up a corporate company, this investment would give us enough money to buy the land, draw up the plans, get them approved and start the ground work.... Once all thats is in place we can start selling off plan to finance the rest of the city. Out-right purchase, fractional ownership and Getting people interested in opening their business weather a shop, supermarket, office, garage, bar, etc etc in the city.

This is the reason I'm promoting on this sight... I'm after all the nudist here to tell all their friends about this great idea.... So PLEASE DO TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS. The main part of the plan at the moment is to find enough interested parties to invest, hopefully with the right type of back grounds.

I have got 10 people interested in investing $5,000 each in the city so far. Once we get the other investors. Also 6 people that said they would buy a property once build starts. Also 3 people that want to open a business there. So thats works out to about $ $500,000 so far.

So no not got the land yet but Texas looks like the cheapest place in the states. 2600 acres for $500,000

Utilities Is down the line, as for the state of Texas. When the plans are drawn up I will say, its going to be a very large resort. (Not saying nudist) but the plans would show the outline surrounding properties would not have any gaps for outsiders to see in. I mean the city would be enclosed. 1 gate in and the same gate out, any businesses wanting to employ staff, would have to find someone from the city... or a fellow nudist from outside

As for how FREEDOM CITY is to be operated, that will come from the board of directors.

As for anything gos ... I' am Bi..... But don't want the streets filled with Gays fucking everywhere.... Sure there will be some LAWS.. But they need to be worked out....

Many thanks to you for your input practical as well as caucatious... I want the city 2 be as green as can be to support the whole this would help us gain planning permission.



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