Knock Knock - Delivery Guy

Welcome to the Delivery Guy or Girl group. Have you aswered the door naked or near naked for mail or pizza delivery? This is where you can share your experiences, share pointers for a great flash, and add those photos.

Yesterday afternoon I was naked in the kitchen with the back door open when the man arrived to read the electricity meters. He had already seen me naked so I stayed naked to escort him to the locations of the two meters he needed to read.
He behaved perfectly normally and didn't mention my state of dress.

The layout of our house is such that everybody except evangelists comes to the back door.

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RE:Meter Reader

Good on him. More people should be like that.

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RE:Meter Reader

Good on him. More people should be like that.

In my experience, most people are - many more such such people have encountered me naked at home.

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