Knock Knock - Delivery Guy

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The internet technician saw me masturbating

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I always approach people naked, and when I had to go to my parents' house when they were traveling because the router broke down, it was no exception. The technician arrived and when he was changing the router he was missing a piece and he had to go get it from the warehouse, it was taking a long time so I masturbated and when he arrived he saw me masturbating in the garden, he told me that I was having a great time and that I wish he could be naked and masturbating. I replied that if he wanted he could get naked and finish the job. He told me that he only had to put that piece on and it was already fixed, so he put it on and left.

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RE:The internet technician saw me masturbating

Lost opportunity!

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RE:The internet technician saw me masturbating

Definitely a lost opportunity indeed

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