Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

I have written for years to this free erotic stories site. Gay, bisexual lesbian and now transgender stories

As a nudist I like to write nude and have lots to write about.
Try go to authors then H then scroll to hungrod and hungboi. My stories listed there.

I have a good following but like to have some nudist friends read and let me know what you think


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I read the first one. Very good. I enjoyed exploring that site. I know I'll return to read more.

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if only you knew how often I jerked off to niftystories...problay of yours, too!
thanks man

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Will have to check it out

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I have been a fan of for a few years. I will look up your stories. May have already read some of them.

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WOW! My dick is hard! So many more stories to explore! Very hot and kinky and taboo tales. :)

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Ive been enjoying your stories too!

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