Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Chance Encounter

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Chance Encounter

The cold air hit me as I stepped out of the building causing me to turn up my collar, as I started the four block walk to my apartment. I still had to stop and pick up something for dinner and then I would be home for the night. My mind wandered as I slipped through the door and into the warmth of Dons Deli. I have been keeping active and staying fit, as usual, in the 10 months since my lover, Paul, passed away but the emptiness and ache still remained and intruded upon my life at all kinds of odd moments. I had dated a few of the plump older men that appeal to me but nothing had clicked. Part of the problem might be that they all suffered by comparison and I still was unable to stop comparing.

I decided that I was feeling lazy tonight so the pre-rolled chicken cordon bleu was in my future. I had some fresh green beans so I could steam those with some almonds and a small salad and tonights meal was almost on the table. I took the chicken from the butcher and turned abruptly to my right and bumped into a man stepping up to order. I apologized and stepped back to allow him to the counter. He laughed it off and said he was actually distracted by my chicken cordon bleu and should have seen me turning. I gave him a puzzled look and he smiled and stepped back so others could take his place at the counter.

Im sorry, he said, that sounded strange. I mean I was also looking at the cordon bleu and I guess you getting it made up my mind for me. He laughed again then added, that just doesnt make sense does it. I smiled back at him and for the first time noticed his appearance. I would guess he was early to mid 70s and quite plump in that way I love so much. His silver hair was thinning and combed straight back and nicely tapered on the sides and back. His ample belly was encased in a light blue dress shirt with darker faint pin stripes. His shirt was open at the collar and he was wearing a dark navy casual jacket. I realized I had been staring too long and said, No, I understand exactly how you could be swayed by my culinary sense. He gave a silent stare then began to laugh a soft gentle rumbling that could only make me start laughing too.

Well, youve convinced me that cordon bleu is exactly what I want tonight so if you have a moment, Ill get mine then I would enjoy buying you something hot to drink if you have the time, he said as he looked directly at me. I stepped aside while he ordered. It gave me a chance to look at him a little further. His grey slacks break perfectly over his black soft leather shoes. He is very attractive and I find myself looking at his left hand to see if he wearing a ring. He turned as my eyes quickly moved back up. He didnt wear a ring.

I hope you wont think me presumptious, but if you have time, I would love to have a mocha right now and Id be delighted if you would join me, he said with a wonderful smile. I nodded, perhaps like a moon-struck moron, and said, how about I have Jon, the butcher, put these back into the cooler, as I motioned to the packages of chicken. So youre practical too, he laughed. thats the the second time youve influenced me tonight. My mind went through all kinds of perverted thoughts when he said that but I just smiled a thank you.

I ordered a short latte as he got his mocha. I also insisted on paying as I had almost knocked him over at the counter. He protested but I insisted so he gave in to me. I told him I would bring the drinks if he would get us a table. When I turned from the counter, he gave a wave to attract my attention and I moved toward him. I couldnt help notice that he chose a table in a back corner where no one else was around us. I was becoming more intrigued by this chance encounter.

I set the drinks on the table and pulled back my chair and sat. As I looked up, he lifted his mocha in a gesture of a toast and said, To chance and new friends. I touched my cup to his and then sat back eager to find out more about this charming man. I smiled and extended my hand. Edward, I said. He took my hand in both of his and replied, Edward, thank you for indulging me. Im David and I am very pleased to meet you.

We began to talk in general terms and soon were exchanging more of our life stories. I discovered that David was 73 and had been divorced for over 25 years after what he described as a 24 years lesson in how two people could love and hurt each other. He had a grown son out of state and two grandchildren. Then he admitted that my one cordon bleu suggested that I, too, was single. My mind was awhirl with whether or not to tell him that my deceased partner was a man. I decided that he asked me to join him so if he was interested, he wouldnt care and if he cared then I wasnt interested.

I told him partner of 6 years had passed away last May. His eyes appeared to tear slightly as he expressed his sincere condolences. I said, Paul was a wonderful man. With no change to his expression, he said, love is precious and when we find it we never want to let go. I agreed and said that I had only dated a few times since then and I felt that I needed to accept that life is for the living and move beyond my feelings of grief and loneliness. He said, yes, you do Edward but grief has its stages and all people do not move through them at the same pace. All in due time Edward.

We sat and talked and soon were laughing and obviously enjoying each others company. My mind was also going over the idea of where this might lead when David said, Edward, do you live nearby? I said I lived just around the corner and he looked at me with a puzzled expression. What building are you in, he asked? I told him I was in Hanson House and he smiled and said that he lived two buildings away in Sawyer Gardens. We both remarked that we couldnt believe we hadnt seen each other before. Then he said, Edward, I am truly being modest when I say I can knock that cordon bleu out of the park. Especially since the work has all been done for me. Would you care to join me for dinner? I immediately said yes but I would like to stop at my apartment and freshen up. Excellent idea, but I have a spa, sauna and shower you would be welcomed to use. And to be honest, he said, I would like to rinse the city off of myself too.

We got our packages from the butcher who gave me a sly smile as he handed them to me. We started to leave when David turned around and picked up a bottle of wine. Acceptable, he asked? He zipped up his jacket and I turned up my collar as we stepped out onto the sidewalk. The crowds from earlier had all but disappeared as people had either settled into their homes or stopped at neighborhood bars.

My building loomed ahead as I looked beyond it to the conservative fasade of the Sawyer Gardens building. The doorman nodded a good evening sirs as we entered and walked to the elevator. David stepped back to allow me to enter then pressed the top floor. The elevator opened into a hallway that had just one door on each side. My mind was doing the calculation for the price of a top floor in a small city such as ours. Impressive to say the least.
David pressed in a security code on the pad beside the double doors and we stepped into his beautiful apartment. Paul and I had done a great deal of remodeling and had a beautiful 1400 sq ft place but this was easily twice that size. A large oval mirror was off to our right over a beautiful table with a hand-rubbed finish. The walls were a soft sage and cream with large off-white moulding thoroughout. "Make yourself comfortable while I put this chicken away", he said.

I immediately thought that comfortable would be nude but that would be pushing it. I decided to just see where this was going. The fact that he knew I was gay gave me a pretty good hint but I have been wrong before.

David came back and asked if I wanted to take advantage of the sauna. I smiled and nodded yes as I followed him into his bedroom. The room was very large and had obviously been two rooms at one time. David must have read my thoughts as he explained that he had been in this apartment for almost 40 years and had overseen 3 different remodels. I could feel my nervousness all the way into my gut but I decided it was time to just trust my instincts. David walked into a huge closet and returned with a beautiful robe. Handing it to me he said, "I hope you don't mind my large size"? For a moment our eyes met and we both smiled as I replied, "No, no, not at all. I'm sure it will be just right".

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RE:Chance Encounter

A very, very beautiful story ! I'm anxiously looking forward to reading that really wonderful story - over & over again. I'm also quite eager to read the rest of this lovely ' fairy tale !

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RE:Chance Encounter

great story also intrigued where it will go, older , chubby doesn't that fit a lot of us.

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