Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Jack Hansons sexual awakening part 2

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Disclaimer: These stories are completely based on fantasy and do not depict any real events or people. If you would be offended by reading fictional accounts of sexual relationships involving adoptive relatives, you should not read this story. All characters represented are over 18.

My mind was awhirl with the memories of my youth and that turning point in my life when I first made love with Mr. Wells. It all seemed so long ago yet the visual imagery was as vivid as if it had just occurred.

Both he and my adoptive dad have been gone for many years. Grandpa Hanson had lived until he was 83 and I had many enjoyable visits with him, included a couple trips after grandma had passed away.

But I was caught in the memory of that exciting, and terrifying, first night with Mr. Wells. What started out as a moment of truth with a trusted teacher turned into a thrilling initial sexual experience for me. I was probably the only (almost) 19 year old virgin in town and certainly the only one still in high school. I closed my eyes and let my mind take me back to that warm, mid-May night in 1963 where Mr. Wells and I were still laying with our soft cocks in each others mouths. Then the transformational moment occurred.

We hadnt heard the back door and suddenly a voice boomed from right out the bedroom door. "Mark Wells, you fat fuck, wake up and I'm going to suck your cock inside out". Mr. Wells and I both sat up just as the light flipped on. "Jack"! the voice thundered. "Dad", I cried.

Dad looked at me then at Mr. Wells and then back at me, staring hard. I was crying and Mr. Wells just kept saying sorry Jim, sorry Jim. My dad, Jim Hanson, kept looking at us and didn't seem to know what to say. Finally, he asked how long this had been going on. Mr. Wells started to talk but I stopped him and told dad that this was the first time and that I had come to talk to Mr. Wells about something that I couldn't talk about with him and Mr. Wells is my favorite teacher and my life is so fucked up and on and on and on.

I guess dad was able to cool down for a moment and see how distraught I was and then he said he thought we could talk about anything. He sat down on the edge of the bed and none of us seemed to even notice that Mr. Wells and I were still totally nude. I told dad that he was the greatest dad and he had always listened and I was so lucky to have been adopted by him but I was so ashamed to tell him something so I asked Mr. Wells if we could talk. My dad seemed completely calmed down now and asked what is was that we couldn't talk about.

Mr. Wells was just sitting there holding his head in his hands and I felt so sorry for him I reached over and rubbed my hand on his back and told him not to worry that it was my entire fault. He looked at me and said that wasn't true and that he had violated my trust. My dad stopped us both and said we would talk about all of that later but what was it I needed to tell him.

I guessed it was no longer a big secret since I was naked in bed with my favorite teacher and apparently a better friend of my dad's that I ever realized. That realization gave me the courage to ask dad what that was all about when he said he was going to suck Mr. Wells' cock. Dad and Mr. Wells looked at each other then at me and dad said I guess we all need to talk. Jack, would you please go first though.

I nodded in the affirmative, then just told him. I said I was gay and that I was completely attracted to chubby men. Dad just got a funny look in his eye. He asked me if he had done anything to cause my feeling or if he had done anything inappropriate with me. I reached over and took his hand and told him no, no, he had been a great dad. I didn't know why, but ever since I was a little kid, I have only been attracted to heavy set men with big bellies; the kind that hang over their belts or pants. Then I added, "like you and grandpa". He seemed startled at that and then asked if grandpa had touched me or done anything...I stopped him and said no, it wasn't like that at all. In fact I had only seen grandpa's penis once when he bent over although I loved to look at his huge balls from behind. Surprisingly, dad let out a laugh and said yep, that his old man sure had a huge set of low hangers.
Dad's laughing and his comment about grandpa's big balls seemed to break the tension in the room. Dad sighed and said that he understood I was gay but why didn't I just tell him what I was feeling. I looked right at him and said that I was afraid he wouldn't love me if I told him. Dad's eyes welled with tears and he leaned over and hugged me and kissed my cheek and told me that nothing could ever make him not love me. We hugged and both cried and then dad asked me about what happened with me and Mr. Wells. I looked him right in the eye and told him that I was almost 19 and that I wanted my first sexual experience to be with someone I truly felt love toward and Mr. Wells fit that description. I said that what happened tonight started out by accident but within a short time I knew I wanted to make love to Mr. Wells. I really pushed him into it, I told my dad, and honestly I'm not sorry but I don't want him to get in trouble.

Mr. Wells was just sitting there and seemed lost for any words. I looked at him and in spite of all the trauma of the last 20 minutes, I still couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous body and his soft cock setting atop his big balls and kind of squeezed together from the way he was sitting. My dad followed my gaze and I saw his eyes also drop to Mr. Wells' cock and balls. I actually felt my cock stir slightly. Dad paused then said he could understand how I could be so attracted to Mark Wells. Then he added that Mark was an incredible man.

Mr. Wells started to say something but my dad held up his hand to stop him then turned to me. He asked if Mr. Wells had provided the help that I was looking for. I told him that he listened and I felt so comfortable with him and then I got so turned on by him that I just couldn't stop myself from pushing myself on him sexually.

My dad turned to Mr. Wells and said, "Mark?". Mark Wells sat up straighter and looked right at my dad and told him that he was guilty of being as attracted to me as I was to him. His words jolted me as Mr. Wells continued that the attraction seemed to come first as a result of his feelings for my dad and later because he started to really look at me as a young man... a gorgeous young man. Dad closed his eyes for a moment and then looked right at me and asked if I understood what Mr. Wells was saying. For whatever reason, I just said the first thing that came to my mind. Yeah dad, he said he thinks we are both really hot". My dad looked at me and then at Mr. Wells and then started to laugh. I was kind of shocked but then I started to laugh too and then Mr. Wells joined in laughing and we are all laying on the bed laughing as tears flowed down our cheeks.

When we finally got ourselves under control, my dad just said that we were holding onto a basket of snakes and we better talk this through. When we were laughing, I had thrown my arm around Mr. Wells and had laid my head against his fat right tit. Dad had thrown one arm around my shoulder and his other hand was on the inside of Mr. Wellss thigh, just above his knee.

I told them that I was legally an adult and if I was going to get Mr. Wells in trouble I would just quit school and I would lie to cover it all up. Dad told me to just relax and we would work it all out and that this was going to stay between the 3 of us. I could see the relief flood over Mr. Wells face and I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He looked me and smiled and my dad rubbed his hand on the upper legs of both of us.

Dad finally stood up and told us that either we needed to get dressed or he was going to undress because he felt ridiculously out of place. Mr. Wells and I both told him, "undress" and started laughing. Dad slipped his shirt off and his fat belly rode over his waistband. He opened his jeans and I saw he wasn't wearing underwear. He slipped them off and took off his shoes and socks and sat back down. I know my dad's cock and I know that it was puffier than usual. Then is hit me that he had no pubic hair. He saw me staring and just reminded me how he had told me that he liked the way I looked and might do it himself. He said he wanted to show me that it was ok to be hairless and he also wanted to surprise Mark but he didn't know that would all happen at the same time. We all laughed and both said we though it looked great on him. He said that now we had three generations of bald Hanson's. I blinked then realized what he had just told me about grandpa Hanson. I felt myself stir again.

Dad then looked at me and asked me if I had ever given grandpa Hanson any idea about how I felt. I told him I hadn't although I had undressed in front of him many times last summer and he did look at me and smile. He explained to Mr. Wells that his parents were naturists so nudity did not bother them but they did not practice it around Jack. I worked up the nerve to ask dad if he ever looked at grandpa's cock. Dad looked at me kind of funny then said that as a kid their vacations were always at nudist resorts and he did like to look at grandpa. But then he got suspiciously quiet which only made me wonder what he wasnt telling me.

I didn't know how long this openness would continue so I just flat out asked him what grandpa's cock was like. Dad had a shocked look on his face but then his eyes kind of went out of focus. He said that grandpa's cock was uncut and actually bigger than his, probably 8 inches but it was his balls that were so amazing. He said that when it was a little chilly, they would draw right up but still make a tight round package like a small grapefruit. Then he added that the amazing part was when it was really hot that grandpa's balls hung way down below the end of his cock. He said each ball looked to be the size of a large hen egg.

I looked over at Mr. Wells and I saw that his cock was starting to grow and some of the cum from earlier was still wet on his cock. I could also see that my saliva and his cum had stiffened in his pubic hair. Just seeing all of that made my cock twitch. Since it was over 7 inches both soft and hard, it looked big as we were sitting there.

Dad went on that we could not discuss any of this with grandpa though as he would be upset and not understand. I wondered if that was really true.

My dad asked Mr. Wells (Mark) what it was about Jack that caught his eye. He said that he had always liked me and appreciated what a good kid and good student I was. He then told dad that it was after dad had mentioned about how big my cock was that he looked at me in a different way. I was surprised by that but kept my mouth shut. Mark went on that he arranged the seats in his room so that he would have a clear view of my package under the arm of the desk chair. I started to laugh and said I loved that chair because I could look right at his belly and his package. Mark said that it was all he could do to concentrate sometimes because my bulge would look so big in certain shorts, especially the long ones with the pockets on the side. I looked at him and told him that I had actually worn those shorts on purpose because I knew they showed off my cock and balls. We just looked at each other for a moment and then laughed. I told him I had three pairs of those shorts and I would wear them every day.

Mark went on to say that he had also noticed that on Friday, when he was allowed to wear a casual polo shirt and jeans that he thought I sometimes got an erection in class. My face turned red and I admitted that the polo shirt was so tight that his fat tits and nipples really stood out and the jeans showed his nut bulge when he sat on the edge of his desk. I told him that I definitely had a boner every Friday in class and I had to pull my shirt tail out when I stood up. Several times I even went into a bathroom stall and jacked off after his class.

My dad just sat and listened to this exchange but I could see that his cock was starting to swell up. I had seen his piss hard on many mornings and I always felt a wave of sexual excitement but this was something totally different. I was sitting here with the two hottest chubs I had ever seen and we were talking about cocks.

I told Mr. Wells that one day I even saw one short, white pubic hair caught in his zipper. I said I had wanted to reach out and take it and keep it in my drawer. When I said that I looked down at his lap and his cock head was almost all the way exposed and his cock was really swelling up. He said I could help myself so I reached over and plucked on hair right above his cock. His cock jumped as my hand rubbed against it. My dad was just staring at both of us and I saw his eyes go from Mark's cock over to mine. My cock was now sticking straight out so there was no hiding the fact that I was getting excited.

Dad took a couple quick breaths and told us that we were kind of getting him a little too turned on. He didn't want us to regret anything. I looked at my dad and told him that I'm almost 19, I'm smart and I'm capable of making my own decisions and being responsible for them. He said he believed that but the law would not look on it like that and that he and Mark could really get in trouble. I stared right at him and said that he wasn't any blood relation to me, I was adopted, and I had no intention of letting anymore know what we did in private. Dad just shook his head and said he didn't feel right about it. By now our stiffening dicks had started to go down so I just told him that was ok but I was still going to suck Mark's cock and he needed to turn his back if he didn't want to see that.

When I said that I could saw that both of their cocks jumped and started to rise up a little. My cock was already getting stiff again and I just leaned right over and put Mark's cock right in my mouth. I heard both of them gasp as I started moving my mouth back and forth on Mark's now very stiff cock. I turned my head and I could see dad slowly running his hand up and down his cock and for the first time I saw dad's precum moisten his cockhead. Mark was leaning back on his hands on the end of the bed so I told him to turn around so he could lean back against the headboard. As Mark got up to move, he leaned over and engulfed my dad's cock in his mouth and moved his head up and down rapidly for about 10 seconds. The site of seeing Mark suck on my dad made my cock send out several drops of precum which I rubbed on my cockhead with my thumb and forefinger.

Mark took his mouth off of my dad and moved up to the head of the bed and sat with his back against it. I moved between his outstretched legs and began licking his nice balls. His cock stood up and rubbed against the underside of his big belly. I ran my tongue around on his cockhead and then lifted his belly and put my face right under it. His soft, silky pubic hair tickled my face and mouth as I licked across it, He was moaning and starting to move his hips so that his cock was rubbing against my face.

I looked over at my dad and he was just watching and stroking his cock. I could see that his precum was running over his fingers and then I saw him raise his hand to his mouth and suck his fingers clean. That almost made me shoot my load but I turned my attention back to Mark's dripping cock head. I started running it in and out of my mouth going deeper each time. Mark was groaning loudly by now and I didn't think he could hold out much longer. I started slamming his cock into my mouth and as I looked up I saw dad shove his cock all the way into Mark's mouth. I envied Mark but thought that dad might eventually have a change of heart. Dad was now really driving his cock into Marks mouth and Mark reached up and grabbed both of his balls in his right hand and pulled down on them. Dad let out a moan and pulled his cock out as it started to shoot streams of cum on Mark's face and in his mouth. When the cum hit Mark, he thrust his hips driving his cock all the way into my throat and I felt the warm salty cum hit the back of my throat. Even though he had cum once tonight, his sent several spurts into my mouth and throat. I was jacking my own cock with my right hand and pulled my mouth off of Mark and straightened up and shot a huge jet of cum all over Mark tits and belly. My next two spasms sent more cum onto his big belly and all over his slippery cock and pubic hair.

Dad was milking his cock and rubbing it on Mark's face. I didn't hesitate and just leaned up and started licking dad's cum off of Mark. I couldn't believe that I was actually tasting the cum of the man I loved most in the world. When dad saw me start to lick his cum off of Mark, he leaned over and started sucking my cum off of Mark's tits and belly. I watched him for a moment and then joined him on the other tit. We each had one of Mark's nipples in our mouths and cum dripping and smeared on our faces. Mark just lay moaning as we both kept working our way down Mark's belly, cleaning off my cum as we went. We reached his cock and our tongues ran up and down each side of it and both licked his cockhead like an ice cream cone. Mark was bucking around then one more squirt of cum popped out and we both scooped it up, our tongues touching and sent a shock through us. I leaned back and squeezed my cock until a glob of cum came out and I put it on my finger and then put my finger to Mark's mouth. Dad watched me then did the same. I hesitated then squeezed another drop onto my finger and held it in front of dad. I took my finger and stuck it all the way into his mouth then slowly pulled it out. Not to be outdone, he squeezed a drop onto his finger and I sucked it clean.
Mark was still lying back with his eyes closed and smears of cum all over him. I lay down on his left size and snuggled up against him, my wet cock lying on his leg and my left hand rested on his wet cock and balls. Dad lay down on Mark's right and placed his arm across Mark's chest and played with his nipple. We all fell asleep and didn't awaken until after 10 pm. Dad and I gave Mark a big hug then hugged each other, dressed and headed for the door.

I turned and looked back at Mark and told him that I would see him soon. Dad looked at me very seriously and said the last three weeks of school would be very busy. Then he asked if I would like to take a month long trip in the motor home for my graduation present. He smiled, glanced at Mr. Wells, and added that I could also invite a friend.

End of part 2

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RE:Jack Hansons sexual awakening part 2

mm what a Hot story my cock been hard the whole time reading it.

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RE:Jack Hansons sexual awakening part 2

What a great story. I definitely was hard and stroking the whole time reading it. Thank you

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RE:Jack Hansons sexual awakening part 2

yeah after reading I just had to stroke my hard cock with those images till my cock flowed out, I really needed a mentor at that age

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