Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Jack Hanson part 6

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Disclaimer: These stories are completely based on fantasy and do not depict any real events or people. If you would be offended by reading fictional accounts of sexual relationships involving adoptive relatives, you should not read this story. All characters represented are over 18.

Jack Hanson part 6

My good friend Irving Stoops and I finally crawled out of the pool much refreshed and cleaned of the cum that we had smeared on each other. After not having cum in over 2 months, I felt wonderful and Irving and I settled down for a nice dinner before I showed him some of my life journal I had been writing. As was our common practice, we did not bother with putting any clothes back on and I enjoyed the view through the glass top dining table of Irving's round belly and cock and balls. I know he was doing the same.

The grilled salmon and salad was light and just enough food. We both laughed and agreed that we would do some brushing and mouth wash before the night went any farther. I always keep a supply of toiletries in the guest bathroom. We returned to the living room and sat down on the L-shaped couch to look at my life journal. I flipped on the gas fireplace, not for heat but just for mood. The lights were low and Irving and I sat side by side with my computer opened in front of us. I was very aware of our thighs touching and pats we gave each other.

"What would you like to read", I asked? He thought he would like to pick up from the last story I told him about finishing school after my first sex with Mr. Wells my Chemistry teacher and my adoptive dad's lover. Irving asked if I felt really weird being so attracted to my dad and I told him I really didn't. I loved him and he wasn't a blood relative so I just didn't see why I couldn't show my most intimate love for him. I told Irving that my dad had much more trouble with it that I did and he wanted to avoid our relationship becoming sexual.

I pulled up a section of my journal and told Irving that this was right after Mr. Wells, dad and I ended up together. I felt as if I truly became a man that night but I also saw my dad in an entirely different light after finding out he and Mr. Wells had been lovers for several years.

I found the entry I was looking for and Irving started read. I sat close to him and put my right hand along the inside of his thigh and lightly ran my fingers up toward his balls. Irving cleared his throat and we both laughed but I left my hand right where it was. Irving read.

I heard dad's low moaning then the bathroom light went on and I smiled to myself as I feel into a deep sleep. The next morning I got up and walked nude into the bathroom as I had for the last 6 years. My cock was showing my morning piss hard on and I saw dad look up from his coffee and just kind of shake his head and smile. He had them too so he couldn't say much. I was happy that we had always just accepted all of that kind of stuff as normal and no big deal. I pissed, flushed and stepped into the shower to wake up. After the hot water was turning warm, I stepped out and started to dry off when dad stepped into the bathroom.

"We're still going to talk today right Jack", right Jack? I told him it was no problem and we could talk whenever he wanted. He looked at me with a very serious face and said that he thought I shouldn't go to Mark's today. I told him that I had given it a lot of thought last night and decided that I had waited this long that I could wait another 3 weeks and not risk getting him in trouble. I saw the relief pass over my dad's face and he told me how much he respected my decision making and maturity. I thanked him and then told him that the day after graduation I was going to suck Mr. Wells' brain out through his cock. Dad laughed and said he was sure Mark would appreciate that.

I was standing there naked and truth be told, I would have liked to have jumped dad's bone right then and there. I think dad must have sensed what I was thinking as he seemed to fidget and then walked over and gave me a close hug and a kiss on the cheek and said he better get going. "Hot date", I called after him? He just looked back at me, smiled and told me not to forget to wear a loincloth to school. I threw my towel at him with us both laughing.

Irving was reading and his breathing told me he found my story interesting. He glanced at me and told me he could understand how I felt at that time. I smiled and moved my fingers right next to his balls and let them just touch the wrinkled foreskin of his cock. He turned back to the laptop.

That day at school I felt as if nothing could get to me. I had been somewhat involved in a 3 way with two lovely men and in 3 weeks I would be free to explore much more with them as we planned our month trip in the motor home. I seemed to walk with much more confidence as I passed through the hallway at school. I didn't give a shit about the Smooth Pony crap anymore and in fact I was glad I was so smooth. All the other dip shits could kiss my ass but I had been blown by Mr. Wells and I was hot shit today.

I had chemistry 4th period and I was so anxious to get there that I could hardly eat lunch. That was a big deal for me to miss a meal. Today was also casual Friday so I bet Mr. Wells would be in the tightest shirt and jeans he could find. For my part, I dug through my drawers and found a pair of shorts that were a little tighter than my normal ones and I didn't wear any underwear. I planned to let him get an eye full. I opened his door and was surprised to see him wearing a dress shirt and slacks. I took my seat but I'm sure the disappointment showed on my face. Mr. Wells seemed to be avoiding my looks but then as he handed some homework papers back he leaned over to show me something I had gotten screwed up and I felt his hand graze my back. It sent a little shiver through me. As he leaned in closer, his belly rubbed against my shoulder. I looked at him and he said, "No problem, paused then, you just wrote the equation down wrong and on this problem you seemed without a clue, then laughed. He gave me the quickest wink so that only I could see it. As he started to walk away he turned and told me to stay a minute after class and he would explain it. My stomach turned over with the relief that everything seemed ok. It kind of dawned on me that he may have worn those clothes so he wouldnt show his excitement with me.

The bell rang and I hung around while everyone filed out chattering to each other. He stood behind his desk and asked me to bring my paper up to him. I walked up and he said "here come around and I'll show you". I walked around his desk, where he sat on a stool, and started to explain my mistake. The next class was coming in but they knew better than to interrupt him with another student. His gorgeous belly was resting on his desk and I caught a quick glimpse of his large ball bulge with evidence of his cock laying to the left. Even though I tried not to, a quiet , quick inhalation of breath gave away my excitement. As he was showing me the mistake, I felt his knee rub against my cock. I have no idea what he was saying because all I could think of was his leg touching me and my cock straining against my skin-tight shorts. He told me I better get going so I wouldn't be late to my next class and for me to have a good weekend. I had pulled my shirt tail out before the other kids came in and I was sure glad I had. My cock was standing straight up now. As I turned to leave, my stiff cock rubbed against Mr. Wells hand on his knee. I was able to carry my books in front of me so nobody knew. As I walked out the door, I turned and Mr. Wells' eyes met mine for just an instant and he moved his head a fraction of an inch but it made me feel great. I was certain he would not be able to move from behind his desk for several minutes.

I got to my next class and begged the teacher to let me go to the bathroom. I said it was so full that I couldn't get into a stall. That implied I had to shit and no teacher wants to cause a kid to shit his pants. I rushed into the bathroom stall, opened my shorts, checked my watch and in 19 seconds I shot my load into the toilet. I don't suppose the school kept such statistical records but I am guessing that was pretty fucking close to a world record. I left my shirt tail out and returned to class.

Present day
Irving turned to me and said, 19 seconds? I laughed and told him I thought I was going to cum in my shorts when Mr. Wells rubbed his leg against my cock so 19 seconds was a little slow. We both laughed and agreed that those were the good old days. I told him that I would hate to think that we were all done in 19 seconds these days and then I let my fingers linger high up on the inside of his thigh. I moved back down to the inside of his knee as I had learned it was an especially sexually sensitive spot for him. He drew in a deep breath and turned and gave me a sweet kiss before turning back to the computer. Between your hand rubbing my leg and your journal, I am starting to feel my energy restored a little. I looked at Irvings cock and had visual evidence that he was telling the truth. Dont let me distract you Irving I said as I quickly learned over, rolled his foreskin back hard and engulfed his growing cock deep into my mouth. Irving let out a laugh and a moan at the same time, and raised his hips driving his cock even deeper into my throat. Oh, you fucker he gasped. I sat back up and with a little smile asked him if he could point to the place he had left off in the story. Cocksucker, he snapped, then amended it to great cocksucker which caused us both crack up again. Such a comfortable friendship is wonderful and I loved my time with Irving. I said, for a straight guy you dont do too badly yourself. He just wiggled his eyebrows at me, smiled and turned back to my journal.

I decided that I really wanted to tell Mr. Wells what I had decided about waiting until after graduation before we met again. It was only 3 weeks but right now it felt like that would be a lifetime, I was so horny for a rematch. I didnt know how I could tell him without it looking suspicious but then I thought about the chemistry problem and decided to play dumb. Actually, my dad says I do that quite well at times and I might even win an academy award. I usually just look at him and roll my eyes which I know yanks his crank right back. I guess yanking his crank had an entirely new connotation now.

At the end of the day, I walked back to Mr. Wells room where he was explaining something to Steve Godby who was considered a bigger nerd than me so it immediately made me like him. Mr. Wells looked up and said hed be right with me. I nodded and said I just had a quick question about the problem I messed up in class. Steve looked over at me then back down at the paper in front of Mr. Wells. Steve finally said he got it now and picked up his books to leave. He was also a chubby senior like me and I found myself looking at his package as he walked toward me. I looked up and he gave me a funny look so I just smiled and said, hey, Steve. He said hey back and I marveled at our communication skills. I had never really thought about him in a sexual sense and I was surprised that I just had. Maybe I would pay more attention in PE next week. It couldnt hurt and, as my eyes followed him, he really was very attractive.

Mr. Wells smiled and told me to bring my paper up. I knew he was glad to see me but I think he still felt kind of weird about what we had done. He seemed slightly nervous. I came around his desk and saw that he was sitting on the edge of his stool. His pants had pulled up tight and his ball bulge showed off his fantastic big balls. He eyes followed my gaze and he laughed then whispered, easy big boy. I put the paper in front of us in case anyone walked in the door. I willed my mind to try to stop thinking about his balls and his belly and his gorgeous body and just tell him what I had decided. I lowered my voice and tried to look exactly like a dumb shit student and told him what I had decided.

Mr. Wells, I said quietly, thank you for listening to me and helping me and giving me the best day of my life. He glanced up nervously at the door then told me he couldnt sleep last night thinking about what had happened, and then quickly added he meant that in a good way. He said he was very upset with himself for letting it go that far but he also loved every minute of it. I again reassured him that I was the one that really pushed it on him and I look forward to many more times. Then I added that was what I wanted to tell him. I went on to say that the risk was too great for him and for my dad so I was going to just be Jack Hanson wonder student for the next 13 schools days then I was going to ravish his body. He chuckled, looked into my eyes and told me those were going to be the longest 13 days of his life.

I felt that I better go before I changed my mind so I picked up my homework with my left hand and as I turned to go, I put my right hand right onto his cock and balls. I was pleased that his cock was not totally soft as I could feel it was pretty puffy under his slacks. I laughed out loud and said, thanks for the help Mr. Wells, and walked out of his classroom. I was sure glad I had my shirt tail still out as my cock was again standing straight up in my pants. As I turned the corner, I saw Steve was leaning against the wall looking at me. I could see his eyes raise from the front of my tight shorts. I tried to not let my face show my surprise as Steve smiled and said, Mr. Wells is a great guy isnt he? My mind raced wondering if there was a hidden meaning in his statement but I just said, yeah, he is. I fucked up this one section and he finally was able to help me see what I had done wrong. I kept walking but Steve fell in step beside me. He coughed and said, I wish I had your brains Jack. I cant imagine you not understanding something. I looked at him and told him that there was a shitload I didnt understand, and then added, like how Mrs. Kester gets her hair that shade of blue. Steve laughed and told me that maybe she was ahead of her time and that people in the future would have blue and purple and pink hair then we laughed like the true nerds we were.

We went out the door and Steve started to walk away and said, see ya Jack. I said, see ya and turned toward the parking lot then turned back. Steve, I called. You want a lift home? He turned back towards me and gave me a big, goofy grin and said hed love one.

I was still a little shook up inside about what he had said about Mr. Wells being such a great guy. We walked over to the student parking section and my 1953 green Chevy 4 door was one of 4 cars still there. Nice wheel covers, Steve said as we reached the car. Thanks Steve, my dad gave me the spinners for Christmas. Yeah, I noticed them when you came back from vacation. I was again taken back that Steve had noticed. I began to wonder if Mr. Wells had anything to even do with our talking or if maybe Steve was more interested in me. I dont think I would have even noticed that 2 days before but something had definitely been awakened in me.

Irving looked at me and asked if I was going to end up blowing Steve before the story ended. I smiled what I thought would be an enigmatic smile and told him he would have to keep reading. He mumbled something about me being a pain in the ass and I told him I could provide that for him if he swung that way. He just laughed and pointed back at the laptop.

We climbed in and Steve commented on my dash pin striping. I told him Dave Mack did it for five bucks. I made him fasten his lap belt that dad had installed for me. He fumbled with the buckle and I started to reach over to help him when it clicked into place. He told me they didnt have lap belts in their car. I told him that after my mom got killed in that car wreck, my dad looked for every way he could to make us safer in the car.

I told Steve I thought I knew where he lived but he better tell me for sure. He said he only lived right outside of town and about 3 miles from me on Road 19A. Since I lived on 22A, I knew he was right but then I wondered how he knew where I lived. Steve sat real quiet as we drove slowly through town heading north. Hey Jack; wanna stop at the Frosty Whip for a cone? Ill buy. It s the least I can do for the ride home. I said sure and turn on Ash and cut over to Park Street where the Frosty Whip was located. Several carloads of kids were parked around talking and laughing when we pulled up. Steve seemed kind of tentative as we got out of the car. Well if it isnt Smooth Pony and his new girlfriend, an asshole named Rollie Woods called out to much laughter. I was big enough that I didnt take any shit and dad had taught me to just always get in the first punch and put it on the end of the nose. I turned and in one motion, hit Rollie right on the end of his nose with a straight right hand. I didnt want to break his nose but I knew it must have hurt like a motherfucker. Blood started to run out of his nose as he bent over holding it. As he straightened up, tears were rolling down his cheeks. That was another thing dad had told me about hitting the noseit always brings tears even in the toughest guys. What the fuck, Rollie cried as his friends all backed up. Everyone was just staring at me wondering what the fuck kind of psycho I was. This is my FRIEND Steve, I whispered, hoping to make them all think I was crazy. You got a problem with that, mouse dick? The mouse dick was the icing on the cake as all the guys knew Rollie had the tiniest cock in our class. A few of the guys even laughed. Rollie just put his hand up in a surrender motion and walked to his car. The others followed but they kept looking back at me in a way I had never seen before.

We got our cones and climbed back in my car and drove straight past Rollies car. I stared right at him as I rolled past but he wouldnt meet my eye. I knew he was mine forever. Steve had not said a word the entire time then he just let out a whoosh of air, laughed and said, that was the coolest thing I have ever seen. We looked at each other and then started laughing. Yeah it was, I said. Just like dad told me. I felt like fucking James Dean right then. We both talked about what a prick Rollie was then Steve apologized about the girlfriend remark. I told him he didnt say it so not to sweat it. He told me that he meant that the kids always teased him about being gay and he didnt want them to think I was because I was with him. I told him I had never heard anyone say that about him and I didnt care what anyone thought anymore. Steve said he wished he had my confidence.

I was really curious now and the gay issue was opened so I tried to pump him for information. Why would they call you gay Steve? I asked. You seem straight to me. Steve kind of stuttered and said that he once told someone that he loved to grow flowers and when it got around they all said he was gay. Holy shit Steve, I exclaimed. Does that mean every gardener in the world wants to suck my cock? At first Steve looked shocked before he realized I was making a joke. Yep, he laughed. We plant lovers are all rabid bone smokers causing me to crack up.

We drove in silence a few minutes then Steve turned to me and said honest Jack, Ive never sucked a dick or fucked a girl or felt a tit or done anything with anybody. I am the worlds oldest virgin, he sighed. I punched him on the arm and said, well, you can smoke my bone anytime bud, and immediately wished I hadnt. Steve turned to me with a hurt look and I started apologizing profusely. Im sorry man, that was just really the wrong thing to say. Really, thats ok Jack. When it comes from you it doesnt upset me at all. And thanks.

I pondered what he meant by that and felt that there was much more to this story. I pulled up in front of Steves house and it was a nice farm house with a big yard and a small barn with another shed attached. Steve was fiddling with his seat belt buckle and couldnt get it to release. I told him it sticks sometimes and reached over and unsnapped it. As it released, my hand grazed his pants front and I felt the shaft of a semi-hard cock. In the haste to move my hand, I brushed against his belly that hung over his pants. Sorry Steve, Im all thumbs sometimes. No problem, he said then hesitated and added, you want to come in and see my room? My parents both work until after 6 so I just hang in my room and listen to music.

I had always been only attracted to older big bellied men and had never really said much to Steve over the years and not even really looked at him that much. But as I nodded yes and got out of the car, I sneaked a good look at him. I saw him reach down and adjust himself as he crawled out of the car. When he turned around and saw me watching, he blushed. I said, dont worry about it. I cant get through a single class without it happening to me. Really, he said then got a slight faraway look in his eye. I knew exactly what was happening to him as I did it many times during every one of Mr. Wells classes. He was trying to picture me with a hard on. He put his right hand into his pants pocket and I could tell he had adjusted his cock again.

We walked in and I was surprised how nicely decorated his house way. Then it dawned on me that he had a mom who probably did a lot of that. His room was upstairs and we took two steps at a time. At the top of the stairs we turned right into a nice sized bedroom. I had noticed a bathroom on the left and another bedroom past that. I asked him if his parents slept upstairs in the other room. He said no, that was his brothers room but he was off at college and wouldnt be back this summer as he had gotten some kind of intern job at this company. He said he was a business major and would like to work for them when he graduated next year so he thought it was a good opportunity. He added that his parents slept downstairs so he had to entire upstairs to himself then added, thank God. I asked him why and he said he could wear what he wanted and didnt need to put clothes on to just go to the bathroom. My heart jumped a little when he said that. I told him that my dad and I were just two men alone so we never bothered to wear clothes if we didnt want to. He looked at me at said, you and your dad see each other naked? Sure, I said, its no big deal. Weve always done that ever since mom died and actually, even before. I decided I didnt need to mention grandpa and grandma Hanson being nudists.

Steve just stared at me for a few moments and told me he thought that was so cool. I told him that I didnt really tell many people that and Id appreciate him not mentioning it. He agreed and then said, I have only seen my dad naked and few times and never my mom. Your dad and mine are built just like us Jack. Hearing that his dad was also a chub sent a little shiver through me. Steve leaned closer and kind of whispered, yeah, I hope I take after my dad in the cock and balls department but Im sure not there yet. I was taken aback by Steves candid statement and he must have seen it as he said, oh shit, that was probably too much information. I smiled and adopted a fake French accent as said, a man can never have too many lovers or too much information. Steve kind was squirmed around at that and I saw him put his hand in front of his cock. My own cock was starting to swell with the direction of our conversation.

I looked at Steves hand covering his cock and told him that I think our conversation had caused me a similar problem. He flushed again and said he hoped I didnt think he was a queer because of it. I looked straight at him and said, if getting boned up a little makes you a queer then it makes me one too, and I moved my hand off my lap so he could see the swelling in my pants. I heard his sharp intake of air as he stared straight at my package then he moved his hand out of his lap. His cock was riding up in his tightened pants. We both laughed and agreed we must be real horn dogs. Steve leaned back against the headboard of his bed and said, whoever invented jeans, must have never gotten a boner. These pants just squeeze my balls something fierce. Go ahead and change if you want, I said truly hoping he would. Uhh, yeah I guess I could. I have some old shorts that are way looser. Steve stood up, reached under his nice belly and started to unfasten the top button of his jeans then paused like he was about to change his mind but finally unzipped them and started to drop them to the floor. My eyes were glued to the front of his boxers as they tented out from his cock.

Present day
Irving sat back and let out his breath. His cock was pretty hard again and I saw small beads of perspiration of his forehead. my God, Jack, that is really a hot story. I am getting hard as hell reading it. I knew he was getting hard because I had been staring at his cock for several minutes as he read. Not to mention, I was running my fingers from his knees to his balls and back the entire time. I was getting hard again myself. Irving leaned back on the couch and I started to lick his balls and his cock. He closed his eyes and let me work although his hand had found my cock and was gently stroking it. I ran his cock in and out of my mouth several times then sat back up. He opened his eyes and gave me a questioning look. I told him that we had all evening and I was enjoying watching his reaction to my journal. He said he liked his reaction too and started reading again.

My eyes were glued to the front of Steves boxers as they tented out from his cock. The slit on the front of the boxers was pulled open enough that I could see some brown pubic hair and the white of the base of his cock. I really wanted to just reach out and pull them down but Steve seemed so tentative so I just kept staring. My own cock was now fighting to be free of the tight pants I also wore. James looked around for his shorts and said, fuck, mom must have taken them downstairs to wash. I thought quickly and said, hey stay like that if you want. I dont mind. I told him I would love to get out of these hot shorts if I could. Go ahead, Steve said. Its only fair. I explained that I wasnt shy but I discovered I didnt have clean underwear this morning (little white lie) and didnt have any on under my jeans. Steve stared right at my bulge, cleared his throat and said, ok, I guess were nudists then and pulled his underwear straight to the floor. I just gaped in amazement. Steve stood in front of me wearing a shirt and nothing below it. His belly was smooth and very white, like it never saw the sun, and his pubic hair didnt start until just a little above his now very stiff cock. His ball sac was drawn tightly to his body and had a few hairs on it but was mostly smooth. His balls were much smaller than mine but still about the size of most of the guys in our class. Except for mouse dick, I chuckled to myself not wanting Steve to think I was laughing at him. His cock was uncut and probably a little over 6 inches long and not as thick as mine but still very nice. It looked like a cock with promise though as I bet that Steve still had growing to do. All in all, he was really turning me on.

Well, he said as he nodded toward my pants. I smiled at him and opened them and dropped them around my ankles. I pulled my feet out and stood before him. Oh man, he said. I have been looking at that for 4 years. I cant believe it is in front of me and hard. I felt kind of embarrassed as he said that since I didnt even know he was attracted to me. I guess we had both been hiding something.

My cock was standing up and the head was swollen. I could see a drop of precum starting to run down the backside. My balls hung low and made my entire package look big. Well, I guess it was big.

Steve just stood and looked at me as his hand went to his cock and peeled back his foreskin. His cockhead was good sized and I wondered how his cum would taste. A screen door slammed and a deep voice yelled, hey kiddo, Im home. Whose car is in the drive way?

Steve and I both about jumped out of our skin and all I could think was that I didnt want to get busted two days in a row. Steve quickly yelled, its Jack Hanson, dad. He gave me a lift home and was helping me study for my Chemistry final. Well be right down.

I already had my shorts pulled back on and was getting my shoes on. Jack reached into his closet and pulled an old pair of shorts out of his laundry basket. He looked at me sheepishly and whispered, sorry, I just couldnt resist. I laughed and whispered back, hey, Im glad you are as big a deviate as I am, and reached down and gave his cock head a gentle squeeze. Steve gasped and told me to cut it out or hed never be able to go downstairs.

We tromped down the steps sounding like a herd of cattle and Mr. Godby was right at the stairway door. Hi boys, I was just starting up but here you are. I was able to leave work early today. Mr. Godby stood in front of me and I could barely talk. Hi Mr. Godby, its nice to meet you. Im Jack Hanson. I had to pull my eyes off of this handsome man before his clothes melted away. Not that it would be a bad thing. Mr. Godby was simply an older, grown up version of Steve. He was shorter than me by a couple inches and maybe weighed about 230 pounds. Just like Steve, he had the beautiful belly that hung over his belt and I could see some brown and white hairs at the collar of his shirt. His eyes were so kind looking and he seemed to smile all the time.

So what were two up to, he asked. I just remained mute and Steve calmly said, oh, Jacks a brainiac and he was helping me study for the Chemistry final. Mr. Godby kept right on smiling and said, youre as thoughtful as your dad, Jack. Thanks for helping my boy out. Man, Steve said forcefully then cracked up. Sorry, thanks for helping my MAN out Jack. I told him that it was no problem and that Steve was a fast learner. I said I better get going then I paused and said, Mr. Godby, I havent even asked Steve but dad and I are going out for burgers like always on Friday night and Steve would be welcome to join us. He could even stay over and wed have our chemistry down cold by tomorrow afternoon.

Steve gave me a quick surprised look then told his dad it was ok with him. Mr. Godby said he hated to put that on my dad. I told him that it was just burgers and dad always wanted me to bring friends over if I felt like it. I told him I just never had many friends but Steve and I saw eye to eye on a lot of stuff so Id love to have him come over. Mr. Godby looked at Steve and then me and finally agreed that I should call my dad and ask first instead of springing another mouth to feed on him. Visual imagery aside, I said I thought that was probably the best thing to do. Mr. Godby told me I could use the phone in the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen while Steve and his dad stayed in the other room. I could hear them talking but I couldnt understand anything they were saying. I got dad on the third ring and he immediately asked if everything was ok. I told him everything was great and then explained about Steve coming to spend the night. Dad didnt pause at all and said it was fine with him and he hoped Steve liked burgers. I told him I bet he liked them a lot. Then dad asked if he was Ed Godbys boy. I told him I didnt know but told him where they lived. Dad, gave a slight chuckle and said for me to tell Ed he said hello. I had no idea how they knew each other but I agreed. I went back into the other room and told them dad said it was fine and then added that he said to say hi to you Mr. Godby. Tell him I said hi right back and Im looking forward to hunting season again this fall. I had a puzzled look on my face and he said your dad and I belong to a group that has a hunting lease in Canada. Thats where we go every fall.

I was finally putting the pieces together and said, oh yeah, my grandparents come and stay with me then. Im sorry to seem like a ditz. Thats ok, he said. I remember when your grandpa Hanson used to go with us also. This was all news to me. But it did create some questions in my mind. Mr. Hanson added, we never seemed to shoot anything but we drank some beer, told some lies and blew off some steam for a week every year. I love going with the guys. I suppose you boyserrr, men will be ready to go soon. My mind was still back at dad and grandpa and who knows who else, up in a cabin in Canada. I hadnt noticed that Mr. Godby had said something else to me.

Do you shoot yet, he asked? Ex, excuse me sir, I stammered? Do you shoot know, with a shotgun, he repeated? My dirty mind was going to get me in trouble. Oh, yeah, yeah, dad and I go to the old quarry pit and sometimes I shoot. I wanted to laugh out loud at what I had been thinking but wisely kept it to myself.

Mr. Godby told me that Steve was a pretty good hunter and thought he would break him in soon in Canada. Ill say something to your dad about the two of you coming this next fall. Youre both over 18 so we can even let you have a beer if you want. He went on to say he thought it was absurd that young men could die for their country but couldnt have a beer until they were 21. He kind of winked at me and said that they would bend the rules a little in the cabin since nobody but a bunch of fat old men would be there and they didnt talk about what went on up there. Then he laughed a great laugh that made his belly jiggle all over. I was about ready to swoon at the thought of dad and Mr. Godby and Steve and me up in an isolated cabin somewhere.

I thought for a moment and then tried to ask offhandedly, who else goes with you sir? He scratched his head and started to name several men that I knew by name including the Methodist minister and the town cop. I also knew George Stork who owned the Frosty Whip where I had just earlier triumphed over mouse dick. I pictured him in my mind and thought great belly. My God, I thought, everyone one of the men was a great looking chub. Oh yeah, Mr. Godby said, I cant forget your Chemistry teacher, Mr. Wells. Hes not much of a hunter, he joked, but he sure can be entertaining. He keeps us up half the night sometimes.

I could not believe what I had just heard. My dad had really never mentioned the trips other than to just say they didnt get anything but still had a good time. About that time Steve thundered down the stairs carry a gym bag and his book bag. He gave his dad a quick hug and told him thanks and started for the door. Steve turned back around and said, you coming Jack? I looked once more at Mr. Godby and replied, I sure am Steve, and headed for the door. As I shook Mr. Godbys hand, he looked me directly in the eye and patted me on my back. It may have been my imagination, but I thought his hand lingered on my lower back. My heart raced once again.

Present day
Irving leaned back on the couch once again and told me how much he enjoyed my journal. I told him that if he liked that part to wait until he read the next entry. He told me he was anxious to do that but right now he needed to give his eyes a rest and just stretch. Irving stood in front of me and bent backwards a little and caused his still semi-hard cock to come closer to my face. I took the hint and placed my right hand under his balls and pulled his cock toward my waiting mouth. I slipped it in and out of my mouth quickly to lubricate it and then took his entire cock down to his pubic hair. Irving said, oh daddy and started fucking my face. I could feel his cock growing hard in my mouth and honestly, I loved that. I rolled my mouth around and around on his cockhead and then backed off. I stood up, gently lowered him down onto the couch and buried his cock into my mouth once more. I glanced to my left and could see our reflection on the computer screen.

End of part 6

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RE:Jack Hanson part 6

Been waiting for part 6 for ages. I had hoped you had not forgotten about the series. Once again a great story and can't wait for part 7 to see if its going where I think it is.

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