Naked Wrestling

This group is for anyone into wrestling naked. Getting that full on body contact and fighting for dominance over your opponent. Full naked or maybe rip n strip wrestling, and preferably in front of an audience. If you're into this then join this group.

school wrestling

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more so in junior high than high school we wrestled at least once a week, no not nude but close back than we wore the blue cotton short that were way shorter than compared to today standard and on wrestling days a jock strap and t shirt but we lived in south florida and most days were hot so most opted to go without the shirt. it got pretty intense and hot with two bare bodies struggling to win half the time your jock strap was the most thing other than socks and shoes covering you as the shorts would get partially pulled down during the struggle to win. thinking back with all that sweat and body contact im surprised something more didn't go on.after that sweaty workout and you were glad to head to the lockers get naked and shower together. i wish i was in better shape it would be fun to be involved in wrestling again - nude this time for full body contact.

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RE: school wrestling

I miss those old gym shorts. I don't think they make them anymore. And, I remember when we had the unit on wrestling, all the boys were afraid to do it. Probably because of some subliminal idea of what could happen.

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RE: school wrestling

I miss those old gym shorts. I don't think they make them anymore. And, I remember when we had the unit on wrestling, all the boys were afraid to do it. Probably because of some subliminal idea of what could happen.i've looked all over for similar shorts they just don't exist no more, i was looking in a old yearbook and all the male basketball player wore short short nowdays they are down below the knees. as for wrestling our was real aggressive and you either wrestled or got your ass tore up .

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RE: school wrestling

Actually the really short shorts are coming back in style. I have seen the guys at my gym as well as runners on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago wearing shorts that again will show their brief or there jockstrap ass straps, or their bare parts depending on the man.

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RE: school wrestling

Profind: Find those guys on Lakeshore Dr. and ASK. Apparently we all want their source. (I won't even ask for short shorts with pockets in them. Impossible.)

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RE: school wrestling

When looking for shorts, look for Men's Volleyball Shorts. Even those generally have gotten longer over the years, but many are still manufactured as those short shorts we all used to wear during gym class.
Nothing to do with Wrestling, but I live in Southern California (Los Angeles/Pasadena area) and back in the 1980's popular shorts we wore on the street were very short. I used a brand named OP (for Ocean Pacific). I often freeballed then, and I do now. I was at the local supermarket with tons of folks shopping, and stopped at the magazine rack. I crouched down and was paging through some magazine, and after a while realized my balls were hanging out and swinging free for anyone around me to see ... oh, those were good old days.
Sorry for going off topic, but talking about short shorts inspired me.

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RE: school wrestling

I buy short shorts with an inside leg of 2 to 3 inches. They are usually sold as swimwear with a liner that has to be cut out. Alternatively buy shorts intended for women - they are usually very short. I found a pair with an inside leg of 1 inch and no liner.

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RE: school wrestling

I have found the best selection of the old gym type shorts by going on Amazon search for Running shorts. All styles, colors and 1 ' inseam.

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RE: school wrestling

I have found the best selection of the old gym type shorts by going on Amazon search for Running shorts. All styles, colors and 1 ' inseam.i need to check that out , ive found a few pairs in stores

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