Nudist Resorts Arround The World

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Hello to nudist swingers

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We have a cool 55 Ft silo on beach of Lake Huron, 12 km east of the Blue Water Bridge. We are thinking of turning this into a nude B&B This is attached to our home.Great for bicycle rides, exploring etc. The silo is a 4 level vertical appt with spiral stairs.What do you think?D&P

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RE: Hello to nudist swingers

Sounds like a great idea! Let us know when you start it!

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RE: Hello to nudist swingers

I would definitely be a client! We need a lakeside nudist B&B or hotel, so far I haven't found anything like this in southern Ontario. There are some wonderful nude places but they are mostly land locked. An exciting prospect, I hope you are able to carry it out. Please let me know!

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RE:Hello to nudist swingers

We are a good 5 1/2 hours drive from your place but short drive from London where our nudist friends live. If you are planning on having space for two couples together you can definitely count us in.

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