Vacuum Pumping Pumpers

individuals male and female who enjoy vacuum pumping their penises labias clits nipples. Share photos and videos.

Is anyone using a pump system provided by the VA. I would appreciate your thoughts and feedback. Thanks.

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RE:VA Pump

Is anyone using a pump system provided by the VA. I would appreciate your thoughts and feedback. Thanks.

Please tell me about this. I had no idea the VA Would provide a pump. ?

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RE:VA Pump

Mine may be of a type provided by the VA. Someone gave it to me, and he got it either from them or through insurance after he had prostate surgery.

He said he and his wife didn't like using it, and I think it didn't work well for him anyway. It is like some of the battery operated ones, a one-piece configuration with the pump part connected to one end of the cylinder. You can't see it well in the picture attached, but it's manual and has a lever near the top that is easy to compress with a palm or the thumb, and it works quite easily.

I'd really rather have one with a separate pump mechanism because that would allow changing of the cylinder for other sizes/types. But this was free as a gift from this guy, it's very sturdy and well-made (probably expensive), and it's fine for a beginner's pump.

And it works great, very controllable as far as how much suction is added with each pump, with a button on top for the release.

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