I am not running

Normally anything political would be inappropriate for this website. Although I am a swinger, I am aghast at the recently revealed video of Donald Trump. Those of you who have seen my TrueSwinger posts and picture comments know that I can really be in the gutter. But I am not running for president, never have, and never will. Higher standards of morality are expected of candidates running for the highest office in America. True, Bill Clinton's impeachment was relevant to Monica Lewinsky; John F Kennedy was known to be a womanizer; and Franklin D Roosevelt had Lucy Mercer as a side dish. In all three cases, the first lady -- including Hillary Clinton, Jackie Kennedy, and Eleanor Roosevelt -- forgave their man and remained faithful. I am sure that there are many other swingers who are with me in voting against any presidential candidate with the moral turpitude of Donald Trump.

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RE: I am not running

...I am sure that there are many other swingers who arewith me in voting against any presidential candidate with the moralturpitude of Donald Trump.

Assuming that is an accurate and current
assessment of his moral values, and you really
mean what you say... then you can not vote for either front
running candidate. LoL :D

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RE: I am not running

Predatory behavior is still abundantly clear in Donald Trump. What do predators do when confronted? The never except responsibility fully and first thing they do is discredit, disgrace, threaten and victimize the victims. Donald Trump proved to us in the debate this same predatory behavior. Hey America I'm really sorry but LOOK Bill Clinton did worse and when I'm President I going to have my special prosecutor investigate you until you're in jail. Plus we'd never want to a person who goes off on a rant about the stupidest tweets or headlines to have the ability to put his finger on the button. In all my years I have never seen division on one of the parties of politics like this one. It should tell people something when 45% of your own party walk away from you.

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RE: I am not running

Predatory behavior is still abundantly clear in Donald Trump. What do predators do when confronted? The never except responsibility fully and first thing they do is discredit, disgrace, threaten and victimize the victims. Donald Trump proved to us in the debate this same predatory behavior. Hey America I'm really sorry but LOOK Bill Clinton did worse and when I'm President I going to have my special prosecutor investigate you until you're in jail. Plus we'd never want to a person who goes off on a rant about the stupidest tweets or headlines to have the ability to put his finger on the button. In all my years I have never seen division on one of the parties of politics like this one. It should tell people something when 45% of your own party walk away from you.Mike and Beth, your response is the best that I see today. Donald Trump is not fit for the office, because of his impulsiveness and off the wall statements that are probably not well thought out. How about the evening when there was a spike in Google searches for "How to move to Canada," after Trump won several states. As for Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, my sentiment became to not care. The national treasury had a surplus during some years of the Bill Clinton Administration. John F Kennedy was known to be a womanizer. Franklin D Roosevelt had Lucy Mercer as a side dish. With all three first ladies, Hillary Clinton, Jackie Kennedy, and Eleanor Roosevelt, they forgave and each stayed with her man. Another thought -- during the past 8 years, the Republican Party has been highjacked twice, first by the tea partiers, and lately by Trumpism.

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RE: I am not running

Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes... That
way, you will be a mile away... and he won't
have any shoes. ;-)

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RE: I am not running

Even better take all his clothes with you.

This morning I walked naked around my village, leaving my clothes at home. I saw there was a light on in the Village Hall so I let myself in and did some chores for 30 minutes. Then I walked home. I don't know what I would have done if someone had caught me. The grass on the sports field was very cold under my bare feet.

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RE: I am not running

I just can't imagine me doing anything close to that. Oh sure.The bike ride through town at night, but a village center ?

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