Cock Ball Torture
i have engaged my friend a few times to paddle my balls ,i get on my knees in the doggy position and he pulls my balls forward in front of my thighs and wacks them with a small round paddle his goal well my goal is at least 10 wacks that sting like hell. i find it hard to hold that position so the paddle not always on target. also laid on my back spend eagle with my balls and cock wacked which reminded me of as a kid getting kicked in the groin playing soccer. i've seen pictures of guys tired to a fence nude in SF where strangers have come along slapping,kicking and torturing their cock and balls that is so hot be fun to participate.
Have just started to get into it.....painful at first...then very enjoyable.....i love have my ballsac twisted tight then having my balls slapped and nibbled on.....i have big balls and they hang low....enjoy lots of other things concerning cock ball torture, but, i could go on forever,