Did answering the door naked ever turn into a sexual encounter?

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RE:Did answering the door naked ever turn into a sexual encounter?

When I lived in my old flat, the door was sheltered from the road so only the person knocking on the door would see you when you opened it. Sometimes when my friend was over we would take turns opening the door naked if someone knocked, often it was when I was expecting a delivery, but sometimes it could be anybody from other friends to my neighbour, I think he got used to the nudity, was probably why he knocked on the door a lot. I remember this one time I saw someone out the window coming towards the flat, I knew they were coming to mine as I knew them. There was a knock on the door and I dared my friend to answer it nude and he was like 'yeah sure thing'. I lived in a flat above a shop, so you had to go down the stairs to the answer the door, I stood at the top of the stairs watching him open the door naked and the look on his face when his 13 year old sister was standing there and the look on her face was priceless. I was laughing so loud she looked up the stairs at me and I suddenly remembered I was naked too, she came in after the initial shock and we both put some shorts on.
She asked us if we were gay, being as she thought two guys being naked in front of each other was kind off weird. We told her we just liked being naked and it was fun, my friend did suggest to her that she should try it for herself, but she said she was too shy so didn't (which was probably a good thing) but that she didn't mind if we wanted to be naked, so we spent the rest of the evening naked.

Another time I nearly opened the door to a bunch of kids carol singing, if they hadn't of started singing before I opened the door......

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