Jack Hanson: The College Years Part 2, 1963

Jack Hanson: The College Years Part 2, 1963

My life in college is going more smoothly than I would have ever imagined. My roommate, Marvin Stoops, is just about perfect in all ways. His gorgeous body is tanned and smooth at 267 pounds and his cock and balls are absolutely luscious. Ever since our first day together, we have been making love and enjoying each others bodies.

I returned from my Friday 2:00 pm intro to psychology class to find Marvin asleep on his bed, naked as always. I closed the door quietly and locked it. I began removing my shorts and t-shirt that had become my college uniform. I had also taken to not wearing any underwear and I have noticed several very attractive chubby guys checking me out. I also saw some girls doing some looking as well but they are totally out of luck. Once naked, I crawled onto the bed and took Marvin's limp cock into my mouth. He immediately stirred and I could feel his cock begin to inflate. I love the feeling of a soft cock growing in my mouth and I sucked tenderly on him. He loves me to roll his foreskin back and forth in my mouth so I began to do that as his cock grew stiffer. I knelt beside his bed and began to run his cock in and out of my mouth.

Marvin loves my hairless body so much that I convinced him that he should let me shave his balls, so last week I got them as smooth as a baby's butt. I shave them every other day for him and he loves the feel. I also trimmed his pubic hair a little shorter and I love to rub my hand across it. He spreads his legs and my fingers slip into the crack of his ass and begin to rub across his rosebud.

Marvin is moaning and moving his hips around as I continue to suck his cock deep into my mouth and finger his ass. He is still a virgin bottom but we have talked about the possibilities. Marvin's legs begin to open and close as he grinds his cock into my mouth. Just before I sense he is about to cum, I remove my mouth and stroke his cock several times rapidly. A fountain of cum spurts up to his tits and upper chest. I quickly put my mouth back on his cock and receive another shot of cum. I suck his cock dry and then move to his tits to lick off his cum. I lean forward and kiss his lips so he can share in the taste of his sweet cum. He opens his eyes and smiles at me and pulls me onto the bed where we lie in each other's arms.

Marvin and I awake a little later and decide that a shower is called for. Since we don't have a private bathroom, we have to play it straight although I believe several of the guys suspect what is going on. A few guys avoid us but don't give us any shit. One very attractive chub at the other end of the hall seems to always show up when we are finishing our shower. Marvin and I have talked about whether we might want to find out if he is interested in playing. However, we are in the south of 1963 and homosexuals are often the target for harassment and even violence so we are being very cautious.

We stepped out of the shower and sure enough our "fan" from down the hall was at the sink brushing his teeth. He was also in perfect position to use the mirrors to his advantage. Marvin and I dried off with our back to him just to excite him a little more if he was truly checking us out. We wrapped our towels loosely around our waist so that they drooped down to the base of our cocks and started to leave.

"Hey Mark", I said as we passed. "What's going on"? Mark looked at me like an angel had just swooped in and blown him and said, "hey Jack, hey Marvin". "I was just brushing my teeth and trying to decide what to do tonight", he replied. I looked at Marvin then asked Mark if he wanted to go with us for a couple beers. His face lit up and he broke into a wide smile and said he'd love to. I told him to come to our room as soon as he was ready as we still had to get dressed. His head bobbed around nodding as he shot out the door toward his room.

Marvin and I headed to our room and smiled at each other as we entered. "Well, I guess we find out if Mark wants friends or friends with benefits", I said to Marvin. I said that I thought he seems like a really nice guy but just so shy. He is also a chubby blond who stands around 5'9" and must weigh at least 240 or more. He loves madras shorts and must have 15 pairs of them. I can't help but notice him because his shorts are tight and his belly just falls over the top of them so nicely. Marvin and I agree that we won't push him at all and just go with the flow. He is too nice a guy and we wouldnt want to hurt or embarrass in any way.

We had just thrown our towels on the bed when a knock came on the door. We both smiled and put our towels back on. I opened the door and Mark walked in then saw the towels and started to apologize. "It's not a problem Mark", I said. "We were talking and just hadn't gotten dressed so come on in and have a seat". Mark walked in and sat down at my desk. He was great looking wearing madras shorts with a pale yellow shirt and sneakers with no socks. I couldn't help but notice how nicely his belly hung over his shorts and I could definitely see a good size ball bulge when he sat down.

Marvin and I both turned toward the dressers and threw our towels on the bed. I grabbed a pair of boxers and bent over to put them on. I knew that my big balls were hanging down and I wanted Mark to see them if he was so inclined. I pulled the boxers up and turned around to see his eyes were moving back to my face. I'd swear he was blushing a little. Marvin also put on boxers and grabbed a pair of tan shorts.

We both finished getting dressed as Mark watched us and continued to have the biggest shit-eating grin I had ever seen. "Thanks for asking me to go with you guys", he said. "My roommate doesn't seem to want to go out with me and I guess it's because I'm fat". Marvin and I looked at each other then at Mark and I said, "Welcome to the big man's club then. We don't have any problem with how you look. In fact, we think you look great! He smiled and I thought his eyes began to well up a little. "C'mon man, the beer is getting warm", Marvin said as we all started to the door.

Tennessee Street was hopping as always on a Friday night and we grabbed a pitcher of beer and two hot dogs each. We found a table well back in the corner and toasted each other with our first beer. Mark told us he was from a tiny town in north Georgia called Blue Ridge. "That would explain the accent you can cut with a knife", I teased him. He said we should hear his old neighbor man Scootie. He laughed that we'd need an interpreter just to figure of what the hell he was saying. I said that with the name Scootie, he should win a medal for bravery. Mark said that actually Scootie had shown him several medals from WW2 but he never said anymore about them. Our conversation got real quiet for a moment as thoughts of going off to war hit us all. We had just started hearing about a war on the other side of the world in Southeast Asia and it seemed as if Americans could end up there. The quiet was broken as we poured another round of beer and we were soon laughing again with thoughts of soldiers and war long gone.

I could tell that the beer was starting to get to us all as we decided we better head back to the dorm. It was only about 11:45 pm and just a short walk.

We had only gone a couple blocks when Marvin said he had to piss. Of course, as soon as he said that I had to piss too so we walked through a parking lot and around behind a closed clothing store. One single light bulb was over the back door so we moved part way into the shadows. Marvin started laughing and said we should see who could piss the longest. We all started to giggle as we lined up shoulder to shoulder. I noticed that Mark stepped between us so that he was in the middle. We unzipped and all pulled out our dicks while we counted down 3-2-1...piss!

All three of us let go a stream and each tried to make it last. I glanced down and Mark's cock was hidden behind his hand. Marvin's stream finally stopped and we hooted at him while Mark and I pissed on. Pretty soon I was down to sputters and Mark was still pissing. We all let out a cheer as Mark finally stopped and we declared him the piss champion. We put our arms around him and we all walked off laughing and singing a very off tune Surfin' USA.

When we got back to our room, we told Mark to come on in. Marvin sat on his bed and Mark and I sat on mine so we could lean back against the wall. We were genuinely having a good time and I could see Mark coming out of his shell and even seeming more confident. I leaned over toward Mark and said in a very serious voice, "Mark, there's something I want to ask you". I thought I felt him tense up a little as I continued. "I want to know how you can piss so fucking long". Mark looked at me for a moment then we all just cracked up even though it wasn't that funny. Well, it was several beers funny. Mark stopped laughing and then said, I really don't know but I think it's just because I like holding my dick so much" and we all cracked up again.

The beer had loosened us all up and we agreed that we all liked to hold our dicks. Marvin, who had consumed the most beer, said that he liked it so much he would even hold somebody else's dick. That set us off again. All of the talk about dicks had gotten my blood rushing a little but I still didn't want to do anything that might freak out Mark.

I said we needed to turn the a/c up a little as I thought it was getting warm. Mark piped up and said it was just probably because I never seemed to have a shirt on. I agreed but was surprised that Mark had actually noticed that about me. With that, I just pulled my shirt off and kicked off my sandals. Marvin said that now he felt overdressed so he pulled his shirt off too. Mark sat quietly and I wondered if he was going to bolt. He finally said, "I really admire the way you guys are so comfortable with you bodies. I have always been heavy and afraid to take my shirt off because of my tits and big belly". I looked him in the eye and said, "Mark, I don't feel I ever need to be ashamed about who I am. I know I'm big but that's who I am so either people can deal with it or they can kiss my ass". Mark smiled, then unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off.

He may have been embarrassed about his tits but I thought they were great. His skin was pale and very smooth. His belly was round and I couldn't take my eyes off of him for several seconds before I realized I was staring. Mark looked at us both and said, "I don't think I have ever felt so free".

We sat and talked about religion, philosophy, music and our favorite movies. Finally Mark asked us about girls and if we had girlfriends. Marvin and I glanced at each other then I said that I just didn't enjoy dating although I had some friends that happened to be girls. Marvin nodded in agreement but didn't say anything. I asked Mark about himself and girls. He said he really never even tried to talk to girls as they all seemed to avoid him. He told us he really had only one friend and that was a science geek in high school that was fat like him. I looked right at him and said, "Then you must jack off as much as we do".

Mark gave me kind of a horrified look and his face turned very red. I immediately apologized and said that I shouldn't have said that. Mark's face returned to its normal color and he said it was ok but he was embarrassed because he thought I must know something about him. I just looked at him and told him we all jack off a lot because that's what guys do. That brought a laugh from him and some obvious relief. I added, "Hell, I'll jack off tonight for sure".

Mark looked amazed that I admitted it then Marvin said he could always hear me slapping away after the lights were out. Mark got very quiet then said, "Every night I go into the last stall about 12:30 am and pound my pud". Marvin and I both smiled then I looked at my watch and said, "Youre due in about 7 minutes".

I leaned back against the wall and told them that all this talk about jacking off was making me horny. My cock was definitely swelling and I could see Mark sneaking peeks at it. I stood up and said, "Guys these shorts are going to cut my dick off if I don't give it some room and I opened them and dropped them to the floor. Mark's eyes opened wide as he stared at the bulge in my boxers. Marvin stood up and said that he wasn't going to let me be the only comfortable one and dropped his shorts also. His cock made a small tent in the front and Mark was looking back and forth between us.

Mark stood up and said, "I can't believe I'm doing this but I want to be as comfortable as you guys. He unzipped his madras shorts and dropped them to the floor. His briefs hugged his balls and showed a nice ball sack but they also outlined a cock that was starting to swell up. He started to put his hand in front of him but I said it was a little too late for that. That set us off laughing again.

We all sat there in just our underwear and kind of looked at each other. Again Mark said, "This feels so good". I told him that if he thought this felt great then he should let Marvin and me teach him a cool game that feels out of this world. I could see he was nervous but also getting very excited by what he was seeing. "What kind of game", he asked. I explained that he would lay back on the bed and Marvin and I would take turns just touching him with the tip of our index finger. He looked at me like I was crazy, paused then laid down on the bed.

Mark's cock was partly swollen and off to the side in his briefs. I could make out the head of it and it looked like a pretty good size. I told him to close his eyes then I touched him just behind his ear. Marvin touched the hollow of his throat. Mark breathing quickened slightly. I kept my eyes on his bulge and very lightly touched his nipple. His body jumped like I sent a shock through him. Marvin touched the inside of his knee and I saw his cock twitch. We continued to touch his navel and the bottom of his foot and now each touch made his cock start to move up toward his belly button as it got harder. Marvin and I both pulled off our underwear and I touched just under Mark's waistband right above his cock. Mark did a sharp intake of air as Marvin ran his finger across Mark's balls.

Mark was very hard now as were we. I decided to take it up a notch and ran my tongue from his navel to the top of his underwear. By lifting his belly, I ran my tongue all along his underbelly. His breathing was now coming quickly and his cock was straining against his briefs. I had to see and taste his cock. I slipped my fingers under his waist band and lifted enough so that my tongue slid under it and touched his cock head. Mark let out a huge sign and said, "oh my God". Marvin ran his tongue up the inside of Mark's thigh as I ran my fingers under his waist band and started to pull them down.

The tip of Mark's cock became visible and I could see he was uncut with a nice cock head. I continued to pull them down and exposed his sparse, silky blond pubic hair. His body was almost hairless and his pubic hair did not extend far above his cock. I pulled his underwear on down and his smooth hairless balls came into view. Mark's breathing was very heavy and he was moaning and moving his hips. Marvin took over and pulled his briefs the rest of the way off. Mark had a beautiful chubby smooth body. His cock appeared to be 5-6 inches and a nice thickness. His balls were smaller and his sack felt too smooth to be shaved. I think he just doesn't have hair on them. They felt like velvet. Marvin began to lick Mark's balls while I licked the head of his cock. I pulled his foreskin the rest of the way back and used my saliva to make it very slick. I could taste his precum.

I took my right hand and began to lightly squeeze his nipple and he arched his back so I took his entire cock in my mouth and stroked it with my tongue several times. Mark gasped and in that instant I felt his warm cum shoot into my mouth. His hands grasped my head as I continued to suck him and draw his cum from him. Marvin was still licking Mark's balls as I licked his cock clean. His cock was still hard and Mark was moaning so Marvin began to suck his cock while I started sucking Mark's tits. His body was moving and bucking on the bed. Marvin kept a steady sucking motion as I sucked his tits. Mark kept moving around, grabbed my cock in his hand and started stroking me. Within minutes, Mark let out another moan and shot more cum into Marvin's mouth. His stroking had me excited and as he came I straightened up and shot my wad all over his belly. Marvin immediately began licking it up but Mark reached down and used his hand to smear my cum all over his belly.

Mark slid up to where he was almost sitting and I told him to just enjoy. Marvin came around the bed and slid his cock into my mouth. Mark continued to stroke my cock and milk the cum from me. I saw him lick his hand several times and milk me more. Marvin watched that also and shortly he pulled his cock from my mouth and shot cum all over my belly. He leaned forward and began to lick it off and then Mark leaned in and licked some off of my tit.

I grabbed a towel and cleaned us all up. Mark beamed with joy and hugged us both. I looked directly into Mark's eyes and said, "I guess you won't need to visit that last stall anymore".

End of The College Years Part 2

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RE:Jack Hanson: The College Years Part 2, 1963

Thanks for another great chapter. So much fun to read and fantasize about. I have to keep the tissue box next to me when I read your stories, and I mean that in a very good way.

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