First Time Answering Door Naked

Last Thursday night, a work friend whom I trained a couple of years ago called and said he was in town and wanted to stop by Friday morning, so his new boyfriend could meet me. I told them it would be fine to stop by, as I had Friday off. We agreed on a time for them to come by. I then jokingly said, Ill probably be naked. He answered that that was no sweat. Friday morning, I got naked, and thinking I had plenty of time to get ready, leisurely took my time before stepping into the shower. Actually, I had not intended to greet them naked. I hadnt looked at my cell phone all morning, if I had, Id have a text from my friend asking if it was alright if they arrived a half an hour early. Anyhow, I had just barely stepped out of the shower when the doorbell rang . I didnt want to miss them, so I quickly got to the door, threw it open all way, and stood there dripping wet and naked. They were unfazed, and my friend said, Good morning! As I invited them in, I replied, Sorry for being naked, guys. I just got out of the shower. My friend then shrugged, and said, Fine by me! His BF smiled, and added, Its nice to see a guy comfortable in his own skin. . I sat there and visited with them for an hour or so, naked the whole time! The next night, my friend called to say they were bored. I invited them over to play cards and eat pizza. We were all fully clothed, but after several rounds of Strip Black Jack, all three of were buck naked!! That was way cool; dinner with guys whod never seen me naked before getting naked with me and the three of enjoying an evening of mutual nakedness and pizza!

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