The Viagra Plump

I'll also share that I will occasionally use Viagra when my wife and I have some fun. Not everytime, but sometimes. I am one of those guys that goes into a "time warp" when it comes to sex. I'm not bragging or anything - sometimes, it's actually a hindrance - but after about 30 minutes of messing around, the time warp hits and then the next thing you know, 3 hours have passed by the time I hit the grand finale. Now, it's not all "going at it" - it's all just fun. BUT, the real point is that while I'm dancing around the 50yo mark, I will sometimes take the Viagra to really enjoy the whole time. Now, how does that apply to this group? It's because I finally get to see what it's like to NOT be a grower. Medicines have a delayed reaction in me, so I will have fun at night, but the next day. Holy cow, not only can I pop some wood with a wandering thought, my dick will stay at the 3/4 full stage for most of the day. It's weird to have your crotch packed full - to be able to see the bulge in your jeans - to have a handful when you pee. Especially with the little exhibitionist streak I have. Ha...this is the time to stand back - just a little bit - at the urinal just in case there are also some wandering eyes there.
Makes for some fun and a different perspective. That's the only time that I can relate to Elaine on Seinfeld, "I don't know how you guys walk around with that all day."

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RE: The Viagra Plump

I'll also share that I will occasionally use Viagra when my wife and I have some fun. Not everytime, but sometimes. I am one of those guys that goes into a "time warp" when it comes to sex. I'm not bragging or anything - sometimes, it's actually a hindrance - but after about 30 minutes of messing around, the time warp hits and then the next thing you know, 3 hours have passed by the time I hit the grand finale. Now, it's not all "going at it" - it's all just fun. BUT, the real point is that while I'm dancing around the 50yo mark, I will sometimes take the Viagra to really enjoy the whole time. Now, how does that apply to this group? It's because I finally get to see what it's like to NOT be a grower. Medicines have a delayed reaction in me, so I will have fun at night, but the next day. Holy cow, not only can I pop some wood with a wandering thought, my dick will stay at the 3/4 full stage for most of the day. It's weird to have your crotch packed full - to be able to see the bulge in your jeans - to have a handful when you pee. Especially with the little exhibitionist streak I have. Ha...this is the time to stand back - just a little bit - at the urinal just in case there are also some wandering eyes there.Makes for some fun and a different perspective. That's the only time that I can relate to Elaine on Seinfeld, "I don't know how you guys walk around with that all day."I get plumped by CIALIS... AND it usually lasts 3 days! :-) Love the feeling of fullness it gives. Wish I could get that everyday.

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RE: The Viagra Plump

wish I could use Viagra or Cialis, but I take nitrates for my heart. The MD surprised me last week and gave me a pump. Took a while to learn how to use it, but the results are amazing. I am overweight and subsequently my dick has shrunk to a pathetic 2" when soft. The pump brings me to a thick 6 1/2" that I am very happy with.

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RE: The Viagra Plump

I use Calis. 10mg is enough. I find they work fast and last a long time. If I havn't come for awhile the ejaculetion is extra large and If I have come in the last few hours, I can go on and on for ages, no more two minute wonder.

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RE: The Viagra Plump

Hey nice to here from other guys about this... Viagra 10mg gives me the best and hardest could use it as a step
but really love the long term extra girth and length I get with Cialis. When I take the Cialis, the next two days there's no controlling it!! I'll be watching the news or something as far from sexually stimulating and look down at my cock and say "Damn, now I want someone to see it" !! LOL I usually come and get on the cam in the chat room then...LOL Hope to see you there!

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RE: The Viagra Plump

I've used cialis worked good but gave me killer headache

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RE: The Viagra Plump

It's great to see men opening up about Viagra and Cialis. I have tried them. They do work well and give you the 3/4 hard on a few days after. Wish I had more . Not that I need them. But they are fun.

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