Female Doctor / Male Patient

I've played the role of patient with a friend and written an erotic story from the reluctant male perspective.

I do enjoy the idea and reality of a dominant woman. In my story she was a dominating Dermatologist. I'd love to find someone to play the part of the Doctor or better yet BE a Doctor.

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RE:Female Doctor / Male Patient

I do this in real life every 6 months as I have a female dermatologist. I wouldn't say that she is particularly dominant but she does tell me what to bare and when. To be honest, I thoroughly enjoy those appointments and cooperate fully with whatever she says. She did ask some pointed questions at the first appointment, first about my lack of pubic hair and second about my experiences as a naturist. Her only real comments were about how easy the skin check is without the hair and an admonition to use plenty of sunscreen when I am nude outside.

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RE:Female Doctor / Male Patient

In high school, a friend of mine told me about parties the band clique had. There was a girl that liked to play doctor with her being the doctor. I got so excited imagining her "doctoring" me, first ordering me to be naked. Unfortunately, I was never got to go to a party and play patient.

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RE:Female Doctor / Male Patient

I would love to be part of a setup like that

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RE:Female Doctor / Male Patient

Previously, I was an ophthalmologist and made her strip for an eye exam. My next sex play with my partner will be me as the doc and her as the patient. She said that she would expose me unless I did as she commanded. Cannot wait.

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RE:Female Doctor / Male Patient

When we were kids my younger sister had me be patient for her and her friends...lots of exams

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