Joshuas Story Part 2

End of Joshuas story part 1:

Joe looks across to my window one more time, slides his hand under his balls and up his shaft then began to move into his bathroom for his shower. As he turned, he put his hand on his long mirror and moved it slightly, looked back over his shoulder and smiled the most beautiful smile. I saw the mirror turn and could have sworn the smile was aimed at me. I picked up the binoculars to see if I could read the paper on the mirror. As the paper came into focus, I could clearly see the content. With a gasp, I recognized a copy of my senior picture cleanly cut from the newspaper. I step to my window, turn on the lamp and wait for Joe to come out of the shower. My job application is ready to hand in to Joe in the morning. It was then I noticed the moonlight through the thick canopy of the trees.

Joshuas story continues : Part 2:

As quickly as I turned on the light, I turn it back off. My heart is racing as is my mind. What if Im wrong? Did he really see me? Am I misjudging the entire thing. I have no real experience to know what to do. For a moment, I was ready to bare all across that 30 feet and now I am scared to death of what might happen. What will he think of me?

I sink back down into the darkness to wait to see Joe come back out from his shower. I take several calming breaths and my hand already finds its way to my still plumped up cock. I steady the binoculars on the desk top and wait. The door opens and Joe steps out of the bathroom with a towel in front of him, glances toward my window and hangs the towel on the doorknob as he flips off his light. I catch a quick glimpse of his gorgeous belly, fat cock and hanging balls and he is gone.

I sit for several minutes in the dark, confused and disappointed before standing and rubbing my hands through my neatly trimmed blond pubic hair. The thoughts of the last 20 minutes cause my cock to fatten and begin a slow rise. I crawl into bed still thinking about what I should do as I see the job application reflecting the moonlight. What I didnt see was a small reflection off binocular lenses 35 feet away.

I awake with a start as my delicious dream of Joe is interrupted by the wetness of my sheet again my body. I have been having wet dreams for many years but this one seemed more real than the others. I wipe my cock on the sheet and squeeze out another glob of cum and lick it from my finger. My cock aches from having been so hard. I stand up to look in the mirror and cant help but smile at my own 253 pounds. My smooth, round belly makes just a nice ledge above my still-swollen cock. My blond pubic hair is trimmed short like Joes and seems hardly visible from a distance. I pulled the sheets off the bed so I can do the laundry as soon as mom leaves for work. Dad had discovered the wet sheets several years ago and just quietly told me how normal it was and showed me how to use the washer and dryer. I dont know that he ever told mom but it felt like we had kind of bonded in a weird way.

By the time I get out of the shower, the house is empty and quiet except for the sound of the dryer finishing my sheets. I walk around nude as I love to do when alone, make my bed, grab a couple pieces of toast with peanut butter and Bonne Maman cherry preserves and grab the job application off my desk. My hand shakes slightly as I pick it up and my eyes automatically move to look out the window at Joes bedroom. As always, it is dark because he has left for his hardware store by 6 am as is his daily custom. I did know that he stops at Dunkin Donuts for a couple crullers to go with the coffee he makes at home. I kind of amaze myself with how much I know about his habits not from voyeuristic tendencies as much as just being his neighbor and lawn boy for so many years. I never turn down his offer of a donut or juice after mowing.

I spend some extra time thinking about what to wear to the interview. I lay awake for awhile after last nights ordeal and came to the conclusion that Joe obviously has a thing for me as much as I do for him. My picture is on his mirror for Gods sake! He was jacking off to it for Holy God in the Skys sake! Joe wants me as badly as I want him and I am going to enjoy the process. Even though I dont even know what that means. I pick out my tightest jeans, go totally commando and pick a short sleeve Columbia fishing shirt. I check myself out and love the cock and balls bulge that only a blind man could miss. I reach into my pants and push my cock off to one side so it points down my leg The length is obvious. Hey, when trolling wear a fishing shirt and tight jeans.

I get in my car, the 7 year old silver Honda Accord dad gave me when he bought a new one 2 years ago. It was a dad car but dependable as hell and free so quit my bitchin as the father figure reminds me from time to time. I am going to be going to the local community college and hopefully working at the hardware for the next few years until I get my construction management degree. I look at my hair one last time and roll out onto East Elm and I am gone.

The drive to the hardware store is all of 7 minutes so I dont have a lot of time to over-think my next move. I pick up the application and walk through the door. Joe looks up, smiles and waves and goes back to helping Reverend Wheeler who is a chubby delight in his own right. I never really noticed before but he is adorable from his white hair to his tan loafers. And everything in between including a neatly trimmed white mustache and his beautiful round belly. I feel a twinge of guilt for having impure thoughts about a preacher but he really is a cute old man. He walks toward me and smiles and calls me by name. I step back so he can slide past me. I have to admit I felt a little jolt as his big belly rubbed against mine. He puts his hand on my hip to steady himself and I could swear his eyes dropped down and back up quickly. He gives my side a little squeeze and rub, letting his fingertips trail across my belly and belt ever so lightly. As he turns, I feel my cock twitch in my pants as his fingers whisper across my cock head. He laughs as he said I sure am growing big and puts his head high as if he is talking about height. I honestly think he just groped me. I am completely shocked and confused at this point. I kind of turn to watch him go, quite surprised at the entire exchange when he turns back and said, Joshua, would you have time to mow my lawn this week? Joe has told me so much about how good you are. This time, I absolutely see his eyes drop to my tight jeans bulge and linger an extra couple seconds. I say that of course I can do anything he needs done as I am saving all I can for college. His eyes brighten as he tells me I will bring him great relief by helping. He adds that he probably has several things I can do for him if I have the time. I say sure although I might have to come late some days because of school or work. He smiles again and says he would love the company and could even try to help me by having some sandwiches made. He laughs again as he rubs his big belly and says it looks like we all enjoy filling our mouth. The double entendres did not escape me and I noticed his left hand moving in his pocket as he waves goodbye to Joe and me. I see his eyes drop again to my now plump cock as beads of perspiration form on his upper lip. With a nod and wink he goes out the door. Truly weird but also exciting. My cock wants to jump up and cheer. What in the world is going on!

I turn around to see Joe smiling and we both start laughing. He says I seem to be a hit with the Reverend. He looks right in my eyes and tells me there are several men that come in and have mentioned how I seem to be a good worker so be prepared for more jobs offers. I feel great with the compliment and use it as my segue into presenting my job application. Joe looks at it and says, gosh I just filled this position not 10 minutes ago. I know my face dropped before Joe let out a big laugh. Of course you have the job, Joshua. Youve worked so hard
at my house for all these years so there is no way I am letting you get away. Joe steps over and puts his arm around my shoulder and says he is excited to show me everything. My heart is beating so fast I feel dizzy.

The day goes so quickly as Joe is showing me where inventory is kept and how to stock it as well as learning the cash register and how to greet customers. I am having a great day and really like everything going on. At lunch time, Joe has me run a couple stores down the street and get us each a sub sandwich. He pulls a couple waters from a refrigeration in the back room and we sit in two rocking chairs behind a stack of boxes. Everybody in town knows that he closes the store from 12:30 to 1:00 everyday to eat his lunch. I tell him I can keep it open while he eats and he says no, we work together, we eat together. People just know to come at 1:00 if they need something. The break is good for us mentally and physically. He smiles as he adds that he is going to test me physically in ways Ive never been tested. Im not sure what he means but I feel my cock pushing against the cloth of my tight jeans. I stretch back in the chair and I see Joe takes notice.
After lunch, I climb on a small step stepladder to stock one of the higher shelves. Joe is handing items to me and my waist is right at the level of his face. I could feel the heat of both of our bodies as we work. I glance down a couple times and Joes face is just inches from my bulge. As I reach up, my t-shirt raises and my belly is visible hanging over my skin tight jeans. I know Joe is aware as I catch him looking several times. A fine trail of blond hair makes a path from my navel down into my pants where its downy softness becomes a faint patch of trimmed pubic hair. I can feel my cock start to puff up as I continue to reach to the top shelf. I could swear I hear Joe let out a small moan one time as I reach higher and my big, smooth belly is on full display as well the obvious outline of my balls and my cock head. I am getting more turned on and am afraid I will get a full hard on if this keeps up. My cock is still kind of pushed down the leg of my jeans. It is now very noticeable. I notice a small wet spot right at the tip of my penis. My mind is buzzing and I wobble a bit on the ladder and reach up to catch myself. At the same time, Joe thinks I am falling and wraps his arms around my waist to steady me. His move places his face right against my swelling cock. As I regain my balance, Joe holds on a moment more before stepping back. I can feel his hot breath on my bare belly and the side of his face is pressed right on my cock. I freeze for a moment and a shutter goes through both of our bodies. He holds my arm as I come down the ladder and envelopes me in a hug as he says, we dont want you getting hurt your first day. From now on, I will hang on to you when you stock that top shelf. I glance down and see that Joes bib overalls have a definite tenting at his crotch. My own cock is barely behaving as the outline of my cock head can be clearly seen. Joe smiles and says its time to close the store. Why dont we find you some bibs and an official shirt since you are going to be my right hand man, you need to look the part. I try to act nonchalant but my heart feels like it is going to jump out of my chest.
We walk into the back supply room which has the refrigeration, a table and a couch. Joe goes to a shelf in the corner and finds a pair of bibs like his and tosses them to me. Go ahead and try them on. I glance at the label and see they are one size too small. I say nothing. Joe is watching as I drop one strap then the other. My fishing shirt is quickly pulled off and my chubby upper body is exposed. Joe comments on my tan and what clear skin I have. I feel my nipples harden and protrude. I suddenly remember I am commando and explain it to Joe with some embarrassment. He says he can leave the room if I want him to. I didnt respond so he stays. I slowly unsnap my tight jeans and start to open the zipper. A little more of my neatly trimmed pubic hair becomes visible. Joes eyes have not moved from the from the front of my jeans. I am skakey inside with fear and excitement. I turn slightly to the side out of nervousness and drop the jeans around my ankles. My hands cup in front of me. My cock is semi hard and difficult to hide under my hands. My balls hang below and the head of my cock extends past my hands. I grab the bibs and quickly pull them on. They are as tight as my jeans and it looks as if I am holding a small animal captive in the left upper thigh area. Embarrassment shoots thru me as my cock and balls are even more pronounced than in my jeans. I say maybe I need a larger size but Joe says no, they are prefect. You will not believe how many of our customers are going who love this look. I look at Joe and his cock was down his pant leg and totally hard with a quarter size wet spot at the end. The rim stands out.
Joe looks at me and asks if I understand everything I need at the store. I answer honestly that I got confused a few times and would like to go over some things again. Joe picks up the phone and calls my dad and says Joshua is doing great but we need to go back to the house to go over some things so he will take care of feeding me. With that, Joe rubs my back a little and says lets go home and get some food and relax. We stop in front of a mirror and we are dressed almost the same. What we really notice is that we each have almost matching large bulges on one side with a thick cock descending down our leg. Joe puts his arm around my shoulder and tells me we are going to have a very productive evening. I smile at the thought. A string of precum slides down the inside of my thigh.

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RE:Joshuas Story Part 2

waiting for part 3

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RE:Joshuas Story Part 2

You know how to turn a guy on. Cannot wait for Part 3. Wish I had a son i was reading this to.

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