Therapy for Breaking an Addiction

Five or six years ago I had a friend who was having ED issues from being addicted to porn. Once a week I would give him a full body massage to help him reprogram his brain to break his habit. This included me massaging his penis. I even let him see how fast I could get hard to show him it's still possible to do. Over time he gradually improved. A penis can be used for therapy.

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RE:Therapy for Breaking an Addiction

Five or six years ago I had a friend who was having ED issues from being addicted to porn. Once a week I would give him a full body massage to help him reprogram his brain to break his habit. This included me massaging his penis. I even let him see how fast I could get hard to show him it's still possible to do. Over time he gradually improved. A penis can be used for therapy.

I have had a similar experience with trauma and rebuilding my confidence afterwards and I agree with you fully its about making the contact and allowing the intimacy and dialogue or two way openess and exchange to happen, and the erotic to come from real life experience instead of visual fantasies that arent real and never can be. I think this is wonderful that you did this work and cared to.

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