Elegant Nudist Ladies


Great, at last I can create a topic, I wasn't able to before now. So, lots to get off my mind. Most importantly, this group was created simply because the mods on TN are a little too zealous in their editing. We have all experienced their...

Wow, group has so little activity

There are so many fabulous photos posted to the TS ENL group and there are so little activity, few visits, few likes and comments... I am quite new to the group and wonder why Jeanne has bothered to create the group and maintain our so long for an...

Does Flora still visit?

Flora had been a driving force behind the TN variety of ENL, although I never experienced it myself, I heard she was a force here too. I wonder if she still visits from time to time, I hope so... and if a chance existed to encourage her back here...

Thank you Jeanne for all youve done

Something about a video you may post?