When did you notice you have armpit hairs...

Hi. Just wondering when you started noticing you have armpit hairs and how did you feel. Also, when did you stop growing hairs there? Mine started growing pretty late in life. I wish that I have more of it!!!!!!

Do you love your hairy armpits?

How much do you love your hairy armpits? Mine actually grows out pretty late in life. Also, wish that they were thicker hairs. Nevertheless I love my hairy armpits, even they are thin hairs.

Love to have more and longer armpit hair?

Does anyone here would love to have more and/or longer armpit hair? I definitely would like to have denser armpit hair, making my armpits all dark with patches of hair!

Smelling hairy armpits

I would assume all members of this group love hairy armpits and found the look of them very hot. But what about the smell? I admit that I enjoy burying my face (well my nose) onto a hair armpit of guy when in bed and soak up the smell. The smell can...

How old did you start having armpit hair...

How old did you start having armpit hair coming out? When did you have full patches of hairy armpit?

arm pits are hot

Love when I have sweated all day and my pits are really rip smelling it's do hot that I can get hard on from just smelling my own pits anyone else into man smells

How old did you start growing armpit hairs?...

How old did you start growing armpit hairs? And how old did you notice other's hairy armpits?

Do you look forward to the summer so that...

Do you look forward to the summer so that you can see more and smell the armpits everywhere?