RE:The Kinsey Scale

I'm a 3, which is where I thought.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I am still waiting for my first true bi experience but know what I am most interested in and I took the test and got a 3 but I feel like I should be at least a 4

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I'm a 2.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I took the test again and scored a 3 (equally heterosexual and homosexual = bisexual)

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I'm a 2!!

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

A 3. Thought I'd be a 2 or 2.5.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

Im definitely Bi and found out a couple months ago and really like changing my status from straight to Bi and proud of it.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

According to the scale I am totally gay however I understand that it's the inner person that one falls in love with and since the outer person is actually a shell technically the gender of that person should not met her however I will not deny and that as far as coming goes it's the male form that make the gears work

Anyway apparently I'm a one that doesn't mean that I wouldn't mind a whole married couples thing it's just that while I foot appreciate the feminine I would be more physically turned-on entirely buy the masculine but as with all relationships when you develop rapport with people you learn about him and a true Bond develops with anyone

Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way anyway I just took the test so I thought I would share

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

2 for me. Sounds about right. I am really only "attracted" to women but could definitely get off with some guys if I was in the right situation. . . . and I would really like to be in such a situation at some point in my life.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I just took the test, scored a 3. Sounds right.

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