RE:Body image/issues

I only one myself. I too am self conscience about it, but it seems to bother men or women.

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RE:Body image/issues

wanna have some fun? meet me on kik shie.snow

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RE:Body image/issues

Oh, yeah? Well I've got a tiny little nutsack. Balls are pretty much normal, but you'd probably have to make an earnest attempt to focus and observe that to confirm cuz my little pouch keeps 'em close.

You know how your sack pulls 'em up tight when you're nearing your nut? Well that's my regular. At nut time, it looks more like swollen taint! Yeah, that's it Them nuggets are barely to be seen til afterwards.

And I couldn't give a shit Not even two tiny little hard turd pebbles. They've never failed me, and I don't pay them too much attention anyway. I'm too enamored with my dick. It's fucking gorgeous.'s like some high end designer dick, sleek and contoured. Not the biggest around, but plenty enough....and just so damn purdy. It's gotten nothing but raves my whole life, so who am I to criticize it, ya know?

Anyway...enough about my mastur-piece. The point of all this jabbering was supposed to be just this: stop focusing and worrying about the parts you don't like as much and tall in love with the parts you do. Celebrate them. Celebrate you in all your uniqueness.

If anyone looks doubtful, tell 'em a roll in the hay with you is a guaranteed ball.

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RE:Body image/issues

We are all different---That is part of being human. And as a man, each of us is different in the way our bodies develop--I think that is why some of us are attracted to one thing and others to something else. I have only one testicle, but a cock that is just above average. I have been with men that also have only one, some that have two-big & small, and even one gent that did have three. Performance is not an issue, but mental attitude and self perception is. Yes, when younger I considered an implant, but decided I liked the "difference". And I have never had anyone turn me down so to me it is not an issue. So if anyone is reading this and you have only one, know that being unique does have advantages.

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RE:Body image/issues

Same here it wouldnt bother me!!..

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RE:Body image/issues

I can see by your profile name , that you have in part some humour with having one testicle, I briefly dated a guy who was also born with one testicle, the first time we had sex I didn't notice the next time I thought that maybe one testicle hadn't descended when we'd got undressed, so he told me he was born with one, it didn't bother him at all, he mentioned a friend who had one removed due to cancer and was offered a false one implanted , I asked my date if he'd ever considered an implant and he simply said , what's the point, it certainly didn't make any difference in the bedroom, I think a confident attitude is key and if its a deal breaker with a potential sex partner I'm not really sure I'd want to play with that kind of person anyway

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RE:Body image/issues

I would suck it twice as hard and for twice as long

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RE:Body image/issues

We all have flaws. for me I have big tits. use to hate my tits. now I love my tits

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RE:Body image/issues

Having small cock did not help.

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