General Discussion

Nude man

Hi im 30 and like to be nude. Very good at diy if you need anythin done and yes will do it nude. Always up for new things. Is there anyone on hear that would like to use me for anythin at all. Seems a shame to keep wanking my self off when some1...

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Male profile photos

Just a heads up guys, if your profile photo is of your penis, most women want except your friend request or reply to your emails. How about a face.

Naked party sat 19th

Naked free for all party next weekend anyone In Edinburgh looking to join? 18-40

Chat room could not load. Missing Scripts...

how do I sort this out please?

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Getting and staying smooth

For the past couple of years I have for the summer season shaved the under carriage, cock, balls and general vicinity. I was lucky enough to have a Tinder hook up volunteer and do the job for me a few weeks back. :D Now it not overly onerous job...

my porn

I am fantasize about good looking girls so i found the best place to meet a single woman, a couple or even a tranny, this is the best check them on my porn bookmarks by

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Anyone here from Bangladesh? Would love to meet and greet!

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Theatre / Theater and the Arts

I've created a Group for any theatre/arts professionals who would like to see how our love of TS meets with our passion for the arts. Be a pleasure to meet people in that group space....

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Hello from Korea

Hi every naughty people As i mentioned on profile, we are 40s married Stag&vixen couple who live in Korea. We've been talking about different sex styles for a long time, but it hasn't been long since we started our own activities. ...

DIY Fantasy

Wife and I are married 15+ years. Recently we began exploring each others fantasies and experimenting. We have grown closer sharing these experiences together. And you only live once! This morning she took care of one of mine from my bucket list, we...

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by BRCA1130